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Supermutants to Raiders (replacer)


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Hello modding geniuses,


I am after a mod to replace all supermutant spawns with raiders instead, as I am with the Zombie Apocalypse mod and mutants don't fit the way I am roleplaying :(


I have creature replacers that change everything to ghouls (thanks to Sykes and mmmkay), so the mutants are ghouls presently, but in DC it's just a bit too easy as they don't shoot back.


Fired up the GECK and tried to do it myself by looking at the other replacer mods, however there seems to be an issue, as mutants are under "Creatures" and Raiders are under "NPC". It may be a simple thing, but I lack the underpinning knowledge to do it myself. If someone wants to lay it out for me, I am happy to create and upload the mod myself. But if someone wants to create it, I am happy to upload it for them and give credit to them for it, I just want it to perfect my game :D


Thanks a heap!

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