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werewolf troubles..


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been playing skyrim for some time now, lvl 153 right now. but i keep checking my stats in game and i see being a werewolf time keeps going up. now i understand why the guards keep saying wolf type comments to me. you know the "you attending to your hounds" and such. i had the huntress turn me into a werewolf again and i use a wich head so i can be unturned or cured. i kill my wolf and then i thought that is that. but i do some fast traveles and i check and my time being a werewolf is still counting??


so is there a way to get that from counting up still or is it a bug or part of the game? i dont have any werewolf mods since i dont care to be 1, i only turn into a werewolf 2 times so and i dont care for it just like being a vampire didnt care for it either so i never became one.


is there like a concole command that will turn this off permently or not or a way to keep it turned off ?

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so anyone doesnt know how to fix this or get rid of this being a werewolf then i take it? i was hoping someone here would know how to. since being turn into a werewolf and then i cured my self didnt do the trick.

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so anyone doesnt know how to fix this or get rid of this being a werewolf then i take it? i was hoping someone here would know how to. since being turn into a werewolf and then i cured my self didnt do the trick.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! this work 100% and now the werewolf day counter no longer keeps counting. it is now stop at 3035 days as a werewolf lol...


and again Thank You for this and it is so bookmarked as well. plus i may just copy and paste it to a note pad so i have it saved incase of a server wipe or such..

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