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Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I need some help.I have just installed skyrim to my new ssd drive so I load up nexus mod manager and it can not find skyrim (path dose not contain game EXE) but it is I can see it lol.Any help would be great

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You will need to have Steam on the ssd also - then install Skyrim using steam. Then NMM will be able to find it.

If you have steam installed somewhere else


How to move the entire Steam folder to a different Hard Drive


OR: How to move a single steam game to another partition or drive.

Steam Tools program with a tutorial http://stefanjones.ca/steam/

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  • find this steams default save pathway C:\Program Files (x86)
  • now find the Steam folder
  • copy/past or drag it and drop it in the new drive
  • NMM saves to your games data folder so it should have been effectively moved
  • i would however rescan games with NMM and make sure it finds the pathway to the new drive.

*note* i have done this with own system.

*note* if you copy past you well have duplicated all steam games!

*note* i don't know how copying the games or the steam client stands in legal precedence.

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You can also just tell Steam you want to install the game in a different location and leave the Steam files in the default location. NMM will find the game file in the game scan and it works just fine. That is how I am set up now as I have an SSD named games just for my games.
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You can also just tell Steam you want to install the game in a different location and leave the Steam files in the default location. NMM will find the game file in the game scan and it works just fine. That is how I am set up now as I have an SSD named games just for my games.

yes you are right this works too good to see someone else knows his stuff!

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