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How do I use more than two masters?

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If you used that line correctly in a CreationKitCustom.ini file, you should be able to load all of the DLCs at the same time in Creation Kit.


This is the advice that I used from a previous post here in Nexus Forums:


By JTL2 on 04 FEB 2018 - 12:41 AM:

To clarify for anyone having issues:


Create a Copy of CreationKit.ini in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 folder and rename it CreationKitCustom.ini.


Open your newly created CreationKitCustom.ini file. Delete everything inside and copy the following code:


Save and exit Notepad.


Re-launch Creation Kit (if you left it running).





From this thread: How do I load multiple master files? - Page 2 - Fallout 4 Creation Kit and Modders - The Nexus Forums (nexusmods.com)

Edited by GrimGrim31
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