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Llunette's entrance into Oblivion (Pics and Commentary)


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Reference http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=98656 for some backstory on my new character, "Llunette Niamhara" if you like.


So Llunette is in secret Lucien's Silencer from the get go. She was initially in Balmora, Morrowind fulfilling duties for the Blackhand, when she received a letter from her mentor Lucien. Within the letter Lucien expressed that Llunette travel to Cyrodiil, and meet him at the Anvil docks. And so Llunette being ever loyal to Lucien, who is not only her mentor, but a father figure to her packed up and caught the nearest boat heading for Anvil.


Upon arrival she was greeted by Lucien. Llunette then inquired about whatever orders Lucien may have for her,





Lucien having not seen his young Silencer in roughly a years time, since Llunette was busy working on his behalf in Morrowind decided to head to the local inn, and relax before disclosing her orders. And so the two went to The Flowing Bowl. Upon arrival, Lucien explained he feared there was a traitor within The Brotherhood. Namely in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. Based on the pattern of the traitors victims, Lucien feared this traitor was getting close to making the Listener of The Hand his next target. His orders to his Silencer, Llunette were to enter the Cheydinhal Sanctuary as a new recruit, as no one outside The Blackhand its self would recognize her within the Dark Brotherhood. Once accepted to the Cheydinhal Sanctuary she was to investigate this traitor, and try to stop them before the situation got out of hand. There was a catch however, in order to be accepted to the Cheydinhal Sanctuary, she would need to kill a man named Rufio, whom Lucien tracked to The Ill Omen inn,




Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a few local ruffian's admiring both Lucien, and Llunette's exotic weapon's. Lucien's weapon a Katana he called, "Midnight" and Llunette's duel black crystal blades, which are called "Iniquity." Both Lucien, and Llunette's attention turned on the ruffians whom tried to come off as intimidating to these two, trained killers, and skilled swordsmen.




One thing lead to another and the local ruffian's, foolishly unsheathed their weapons demanding both Lucien, and Llunette hand over their weapons. That's when things got ugly... Lucien, and his Silencer Llunette, quickly and mercilessly slaughtered the 3 ruffians, as well as two civilians one of which, being the innkeeper too ensure no one would alert the guards.


As you can see there was quite a massacre in the Flowing Bowl,





After the subsequent slaughter, Lucien, and Llunette promptly snuck out of the inn in a very inconspicuous manner. Once they reached the stables outside Anvil, Lucien then ordered Llunette to suit up, and make her way to The Ill Omen in, and assasinate Rufio so she would be accepted as a new member of The Dark Brotherhood within the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. So after a long 2 day walk from Anvil, Llunette finally made it to The Ill Omen Inn.






Upon entering the inn, Llunette asked the inn keeper about Rufio saying she was his niece, and received a letter from him requesting her presence. The inn keeper then told her about the private area, where Rufio was staying, and mentioned there was one other free room down there if she wanted it. She smiled and paid the gold for the room.




((Continued in my next post since there seems to be a limit to the number of pictures you can post in on post.))

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Upon heading down to the private area Llunette quietly assessed her surroundings. She could hear snoring from the room to the far corner. So she quietly snuck into the room to find her mark sleeping,





Sleeping? Oh this was just too easy, but what else could Llunette expect for a supposed new innitiate? So she unsheathed her dagger, and made short work of Rufio in his sleep.







After dispatching her mark in his sleep, Llunette removed her hood and then began to realize how exhausted she truly was. The trip all the way from Anvil to the Inn left her very tired,




She strolled out of Rufio's room closing the door behind her, and decided to make good use of the room she rented for herself.




So she decided to catch a few hours of sleep before heading to Cheydinhal,




Rufio on the other hand would never wake up from his sleep,




Hope you enjoyed. :) I may post more in the future.

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Right Mods used in the pictures if anyone is curious,


Lucien Lachance Companion



How I got Lucien out in the open and all.


Snow Dragon Temple V 11 By Ronin


If you're curious as to the Katana Lucien is sporting, it can be found in this mod.


As for Llunette in general,


Beautiful People 2.7



I had this mod for ages. She's a Mystic Elf obviously.


Expansion Pack for the Human race



I basically just used the hair textures from here to give Llunette those red highlights. I had to modify Beautiful People 2.7 in order to get the new hair available for Mystic Elves.


HG EyeCandy Body



For her body.


Danis13 textures for Rens Mystic Elves



To spruce up her facial textures.


As for the outfit she's wearing in Anvil,


Arynns Drow Witch Robe for HGEC


The dress she's wearing.


Lera and Pizz Hiyoko Store


The beret she's wearing can be found here.


Apachii Goddess Store



The gloves she's wearing can be found here.


As for her outfit at the Ill Omen Inn,





She's wearing the Persona outfit from this mod.


Sinbloods Nightweave Outfit for HGEC



She's using the hood from this mod.


Tona Casual and Quiet Muffler for HGEC



For the muffler she's wearing obviously.


As for Llunette's weapons,


Hidden sky Garden of Toel ul Romuska beta2_0



You can find her scripted dual black blades in this mod.


Coolmans Dagger Collection



You can find the dagger she's using in this mod.


Other mods somewhat noticeable,


Deadly Reflex 5



How she managed to stab Rufio in his sleep, leaving a bloody mess.


Actors In Charge


For the talking animation, she's using with the innkeeper, and the exhausted animation she uses after killing Rufio.


Personality Idles4



As you likely noticed she has her hand on her hip a lot.


Sexywalks by Mur_Zik



You might notice when she's walking out of Rufio's room her walking animation isn't exactly the vanilla animation.


DMC Stylish - Animation Replacer



You will notice both her and Lucien using the one handed standing idle from DMC in the pics after the slaughter. However I do use Mayus Race Idle Mod, which makes it so any Vanilla NPC cannot copy my fighting style. On top of that I modded most of my quest, and companion mods now running with MRI to give Llunette a unique feel. I however didn't change the Lucien Companion mod with MRI, because after all Lucien was the one who taught her how to fight.


That's all of them from the pictures off the top of my head. o_O

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Oh the wait was shorter that expected. :)


Nice screenshots and storytelling!

Cheers and have fun contiuning the story :D


Glad you enjoyed Unavi. :) I posted the pics mainly because you mentioned you wanted to see some. It shouldn't take too long to load them, as I really shrunk them down from their original size. I'll likely upload a more high resolution picture of the character in general to The Nexus its self, err when I figure out how that feature works. I have to admit I'm a bit of a laymen when it comes to all the forums features. o_O


Also as she progresses chances are her hair will get longer, and after spending x-amount of time in jail those highlights will fade. Also after the MQ she's blessed by The Nine, and her hair and eye color change. err we'll wait for that. :P

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Glad you like it so far Wander. :)


Now I'm going to add a new part. I'm going to keep the pics and story in this thread, because I don't want to clutter the forums too much, plus it's easier to reference just one thread and all. So time for the next installment,


Important: If you have not done the Dark Brotherhood Quest this may contain some spoilers so do not read on if you don't want any spoilers.



The Death of The Night Mother: Remorse & Vengeance



After our previous installment, Llunette was accepted to the Cheydinhal Sanctuary and fulfilled her contracts no questions asked. Vincente. and Ocheeva respectively were astounded by her ability, as she was able to fulfill contracts it would take a very seasoned member to complete flawlessly. She was very professional, and very direct. She seemed to make it a point to go straight for her mark, and her mark alone. She was overall very cold and distant towards the other members of the Sanctuary. Llunette didn't care for them at all, and found their sadism that they so proudly preached to one another unprofessional and obnoxious. How they would go on about the joys of killing, and so forth. Llunette took no real joy exactly, she did what she did for Lucien, and Lucien alone. Her savior, her father, and her lover. She never cared about the dogmatic Sithis nonsense the others seemed so enthralled in. She clearly looked down on them. They weren't assassin's they were petty thugs with a fetish for brutality. Llunette on the other hand was more methodical in her contracts, like a machine, rarely showing emotion. There was no joy in killing a mark, it was simply fulfilling her duty to Lucien.


As she investigated the Sanctuary she found many of them to be possible suspects. Vincente, being as old as he was and a vampire as well could have many reasons to betray The Brotherhood. Even out of boredom. Antoinetta Marie was certainly ambitious, but she seemed too much of a fool to be behind it. Then again if she were truly the traitor she would be cunning enough to behave in such a manner to throw off any suspicion. Her prime suspect, or rather suspect's however were Ocheeva, and her brother Teinnava. Based on observation, Llunette began to feel their loyalty to The Black Marsh Royal Court, may take precedence over their loyalty to The Brotherhood. If Black Marsh for whatever reason wanted to strike at the Brotherhood, they had enough spies to gather intelligence on The Blackhand its self. Llunette continued to report her findings to Lucien, while taking contracts.


Finally Llunette was presented with a most unusual contract. She was to attend a party, rather go to a house where 5 guests were searching for treasure, and systematically kill them off one by one. Llunette as always accepted the contract no questions asked, but it wasn't until she made it to that house in Skingrad that she for the first time in a long time felt remorse. The quest was Whodunit.


Llunette was always distant socially, and never took the time to ever really get to know anyone, let alone get to know her marks. She thought she was emotionally numb, say for her love for Lucien, her savior. The last time Llunette ever remembered feeling emotions like empathy, and love date back to when she was a 5 year old child. Her parents were good people, and her mother always saw something special in her. As she got closer to her marks particularly Nels whom she truly began to care for, she began to remember her family, how her father helped her tend to a wounded bird back to health. How her mother taught her how to play the Lute. She saw Nels truly mourned his daughter, and told him that she lost her parents at a very young age. Nels became very fatherly to her thereafter.


Llunette didn't care much for Neville, and he was certainly the largest threat among her marks, but she spent some time contemplating these strange new feelings, that she had not felt in so long. She was accustom to looking at her marks, as just that. There was never any human connection, she never wondered about what they felt, their lives, their hardships. She never took the time to question anything about them as people. They were merely part of the job. Llunette knew she had to fulfill the contract, as much as she didn't want to. She particularly didn't want to kill Nels. However, if she didn't she would betray the man who saved her from slavery, the man who empowered her, and made her strong so that she would never be a victim again. Lucien... Yet Llunette was still very torn, she was so accustomed to seeing the ugly in people that she forgot that there may be some good in some. Like her mother, and father.


Llunette began, Neville was her first kill being ex-Imperial Legion made him the biggest threat. Thereafter she systematically killed, Maltide appealing to her greed and telling her to search the basement. Dovesi was next. At this point Nels killed Primo, believing he was the killer for sure. He did so trying to protect Llunette, whom he started to view like a daughter in place of the daughter he lost. He then reassured Llunette he wouldn't let anything harm her, and that he would get them both safely out of that house. He tried to get the front door open, but to no avail. Llunette could have finished him by then, but she hesitated. Nels continued to try to find a way out, he then went down to the basement with Llunette looking for any tunnels or anything. That's when Llunette, closed her eyes, and quietly whispered to herself, "This will be over in a moment... forgive me..." She then snuck up behind Nels and stabbed him in the throat. Nels' body dropped cold before he could realize Llunette had killed him.


Llunette overwhelmed by guilt dropped to her knees besides Nels body, and actually wept. She wept for the first time in years, somberly apologizing to the dead man,




Afterwards she went back upstairs, took Nels mug filled it with ale, and drank herself drunk, letting her tears fall for the first time in many years,




She then stumbled out of the house unlocking the front door with the key she had all along, and headed back to the Sanctuary to inform Ocheeva the contract had been fulfilled. After that contract though she wasn't quite the same, though she hid it from her contemporaries, and especially Lucien. She was stricken with nightmares, about past victims she claimed, about the death of her parents, about her time as a slave. Many things she hid away began to haunt her. She remembered the love and compassion her parents had. After that contract, she found her hands shook whenever she took a life. She didn't understand it, she tried to keep it together. She still preformed her duties incredibly well. But there was something wrong with her and she knew it.


Finally Ocheeva received a note from Lucien requesting Llunette's immediate presence at Fort Farrugat. Llunette immediately road out to meet with Lucien. Upon meeting with Lucien, he informed Llunette he and other Speakers, as well as the Listener had a meeting. In the meeting he presented her findings, and while Ocheeva, and Teinnava, seemed to be the most likely suspects. The Blackhand didn't want to chance it, and decided to enact the ritual of purification. Llunette was to carry it out, and kill every member of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. For some reason Llunette was pleased with this order, and she proclaimed to Lucien, "They will all lie dead before sunrise."


So Llunette re-entered the Sanctuary and being such a superior fighter than all of them, killed them all quickly and mercilessly. She noticed her hands didn't shake after the killings. In some odd way she enjoyed killing them. It felt like justice was truly served by slaughtering those sadistic thugs, whom pat themselves on the backs whenever they even kill a child. Llunette executed them all, with her twin blades "Iniquity." She was satisfied, and felt somehow revitalized. After that it would be business as usual, she would see little of Lucien, but complete his dead drops.


Llunette began to feel better, and completed Lucien's first dead drop order with no remorse. After all this wanna-be Lich, certainly had it coming. However, she again found her hands shaking after systematically killing the Draconis family. By the end of it she actually had a panic attack. What was wrong with her?! She feared she was going mad, but she had to oblige Lucien, she had to get herself together. So she wound up turning to Skooma. It seemed to take the edge off, and made it much easier to fulfill her duties. Of course she couldn't let anyone know she had become a Skooma addict. But she found using it before, and after every contract kept her together. She had enough willpower to not let the drug overpower her senses in combat, not to mention she never overindulged as to avoid jeopardizing her own ability. Yet, Llunette slowly became dependent on the drug in order to function, and keep her emotions numb.


She completed her dead drop orders flawlessly. Then finally after killing Ungolim, she was confronted by Lucien himself. He was enraged, threatening to kill her. It was then she learned the traitor was still out there, and switching the dead drop orders. That now The Hand believed Lucien to be the traitor. The next drop was to be in Anvil, and she and Lucien wasted no time trying to intercept this traitor in order to clear Lucien's name. Lucien, being a bit paranoid decided to wait at a camp outside of town, while Llunette dealt with the traitor.


Llunette finally tracked the traitors home to the basement of The Anvil Lighthouse. She was shocked by the sight. All the bodies all over the place. She read his journal, and found out the traitors identity was Mathew Bellamont, a Speaker of The Blackhand no less! That he planned this since he was a child after The Brotherhood claimed his mothers life. Llunette slammed the book shut, and turned drawing her weapons sensing a presence. It was Bellamont!


He asked her for a moment of her time before she killed him. He said he knew he didn't stand a chance against her in combat that he would just like to set the record straight. Llunette gave him a moment, and he explained that both of them were the same. That The Brotherhood killed her parents as well. The order was called by Lucien no less. Llunette was in denial. He went on to present to her official Blackhand records documenting it. The Night Mother apparently had an interest in Llunette even before she was born. That her parents murder to the slavers, being sold into slavery, Lucien's rescue, it was all to condition her to be a weapon of The Blackhand. That the Nightmother had something planned for her all along. Who was the real traitor? Bellamont or Lucien and The Darkbrotherhood.


Bellamont went on to say, "In the end we're the same you and I. The Dark Brotherhood made us both monsters, but there is still a chance for vengeance. I chose you because you are just like me! I know about your Skooma addiction, I saw the look on your face after you left that house in Skingrad. They are trying to make you something your aren't. Just as they did to me. The only difference between us is you had no idea from the start. Once Lucien is dead The Night Mother herself will be summoned. Will you help me to end The Dark Brotherhood once and for all?"


Llunette was in a haze absorbing all this information, her entire world came crashing down around her. Everything was a lie! All the hardships she had to endure were due to the man she thought she loved, the man she saw as a father, and a savior. Lucien... Slowly Llunette's blood began to boil. Vengeance was all she could think of, and so she told Bellamont she would help him. To have The Blackhand wait for Lucien at Applewatch. Bellamont, grinned now that he finally had an ally, a most formidable ally to help him bring an end to the Dark Brotherhood once and for all. So he left to make the preparations. Little did he know Llunette had a plan of her own.


She wandered out of the Lighthouse broken and distraught. She immediately began smoking from her Skooma pipe, and decided her course of action. Bellamont was right, they were the same... Killers, murderers, deceivers... Llunette decided the whole of The Blackhand would be destroyed, Lucien, The Night Mother, Bellamont, and herself. When it was done, she would kill herself. Even if she was used, and deceived by the Brotherhood from the very start, she made the choice to become a monster. She too had to answer for her sins.


After several hours of contemplation, and smoking quite a bit of Skooma, Llunette returned to Lucien at the camp outside of Anvil, and told him it was taken care of, his name was clear to head to Applewatch that she will meet him there shortly. While Lucien was readying his horse and getting his things together to leave for Applewatch Llunette secretly laced the water in his flask with a large dose of Skooma. She knew second only to her Lucien was the most fearsome swordsman in the entire Brotherhood, and would make short work out of whatever force Mathew planned to use against him. A really high dose of Skooma however would hinder Lucien's outrageous combat abilities. And so Lucien left, and Llunette would soon leave to Applewatch the following night.


(continued in the next post with more pictures.)

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At nightfall Llunette left to Applewatch. When she arrived, she noted the entire Blackhand assembled, including Bellamont. She was then greeted by The Speaker Arquen, who praised her loyalty to the Brotherhood for delivering them Lucien. Arquen then appointed Llunette a speaker in Lucien's place, and mentioned now they would need to summon The Night Mother so that she could appoint a new Listener.


Llunette changed into The Hand's traditional robes, and walked over to Lucien's corpse so mutilated it was unrecognizable. She stared at it with disdain for a good long moment, while the others jested about how surprisingly easy he was to kill,




Llunette remained silent as they spoke, just staring... Then finally in a swift motion she impaled Lucien's corpse with one of The Blades of Iniquity Lucien had specially made for her,




The others chuckled about Llunette's desecration of an already mutilated corpse. The act for Llunette was symbolic, she left the blade in the corpse. One half of Iniquity, as Lucien was partially responsible for making her what she was. However, she kept the other blade to herself because responsibility also lied with her. Her swords were a testament to her sin, as she took many lives with them.


Llunette then walked over to Bellamont, who questioned her about Lucien, and why he fought so poorly, she merely responded that a very heavy dose of Skooma will make even the finest swordsman sluggish,




Soon after Arquen told everyone it was time to see The Night Mother, and enacted a teleportation spell to take them to the statue of The Lucky Old Lady in Bravil,




Arquen pleaded to the Night Mother to allow them entrance into her crypt, and grant them audience with her. And so her crypt was revealed and the 5 speakers entered. Llunette watched, as Arquen begged the spectral figure to appoint a new Listener, and as The Night Mother scoffed at her proclaiming the traitor was among them,






Once Bellamont realized The Night Mother knew the traitor was still among them he struck, killing two of The Speakers. All the while Llunette didn't come to his aid wanting him to die,




Finally Arquen, struck down Bellamont while Llunette just stood there. The Night Mother then asked Llunette to come over to her so she could speak with her. The Night Mother was most pleased with Llunette, speaking of her progress within The Brotherhood, and how her heart was as black as midnight. The Night Mother then appointed the silent Llunette Listener. Arquen praised Llunette, and congratulated her. Llunette then smirked and turned to Arquen drawing her blade and said, "Dear Night Mother, you're not as a Clairvoyant as you appear it seems."




(Continued in next post)

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Llunette then struck Arquen down in one blow taking her head clean off, and quickly turned to The Night Mother pulling her hood off holding her blade to the Night Mother,






The Night Mother raged, "What madness has befallen you child?!" Llunette scowled at The Night Mother and explained she knew everything. About her parents, Lucien, why she was sold into slavery, how she was conditioned deliberately. The Night Mother tried to explain, "And hasn't it made you stronger? You are now Listener of The Hand? Why throw that away? What would you be without my intervention?" Llunette closed her eyes and responded, "I don't know... However I do know I wouldn't be a monster. Die..." Llunette then struck The Night Mother down, somehow Llunette was able to kill a being that was already dead! As she looked down at the dead specter, she proclaimed, "Stay in the Void with your precious Sithis."




Llunette then sheathed her blade and climbed out of the crypt... Tired, broken, filled with immense pain and remorse. She fell to her knees and wept realizing how truly alone she was,




It was now time for her to finish it completely. There was still one matter left to deal with in order to truly destroy the entire Blackhand. And so Llunette climbed up to the highest part of the Bravil Temple she stood there and wept wistfully, remembering her parents, and all those who died unjustly by her blades, and her actions.





Then finally the grief stricken Llunette she jumped to her death. However, will fate allow her to die just yet?




To anyone who is enjoying the escapades of my character, thanks. :) There will of course be more in the future. as if the future Hero Of Cyrodiil goes out like this. :P

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