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Creation of NPCs from a Custom Race


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I have a question. I tried to look for it in previous posts but actually I didn't find a solution. Apologize if I m wrong (obviously I didn't get it then)


When I try to create a Custom Race Follower (let's say Lunari, Night Elf, Triton ... whatever). Whenever I finish creating the MOD in the Creation Kit and save it. Skyrim CTDs. I found why, going back to that same MOD in the Kit. It is because for some reason the Creation Kit is always changing the race to Fox Race.


Now I don't have the problem with importing multiple Master files in Creation Kit. But that Fox race is driving me crazy! How do you resolve that?

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Creation of an NPC of a custom race must be done while the custom race mod's .esp is loaded as a master file.


Duplicate your .esp then use wyrebash to change one to an .esm. Load Skyrim.esm and your new .esm, then you should be fine, no more FoxRace.


I believe once the companion is made and you have a companion .esp, the old master file shouldn't be needed, as long as the custom follower .esp is later in your load order than your source custom race .esp.

Edited by budcat
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  • 2 months later...

Okay i'm new to all this (modding and whatnot) and this is the first modification that I am attempting.(It's probably the only kind of mod I will make.) On the subject of master files the custom race i'm useing needs skyrim.esm and racecompatability.esm to run in the CK. Is there a way around this so I can use the race .esm to avoid the foxrace nonsense?

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Read the following linked tutorial subsection



It gives you step by step instructions on how to toggle an ESP plugin and convince the Creation Kit that it is a master file without changing the extension. Doing this will solve your issue of the "foxrace nonsense".


Your other option is to directly edit the custom race mod to include whatever you are trying to do (which is usually frowned upon when it comes to mods that will be released to the public).

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