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Reaction Fire - mod files?


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I'm requesting if someone can provide in a .rar or .zip file the neccessary files that corrispond to the Reaction Fire Mod. I cannot get this mod to install becuase i dont use Steam and many mods seem to require it.



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The thing about distributing mods, as I understand it, is that legally you cannot share pieces of the game, so all you can freely distribute is some way for other users to modify themselves their own game, so you couldnt share your upk files, but you could share its entire code for someone else to paste it onto their own upk files.


And all the mods alter either dgc.ini or some upk file


So if for any reason running those auto installer packages doesnt work for you, your best chance to get them is to hex edit them yourself. Most modders post the hex edits necessary, and if for some reason your game isnt running the last patch youll have to re code the hex edit because varible and functions values wouldve changed. You can re code any sentence from its decompiled code, ue explorer gives you a lot of info on hex code and theres good tutorials on the wiki, although the whole process its pretty time consuming

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