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Ark Thrower / Stun mod please?


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If someone could make a mod that changes the stun chance of the arkthrower to 90%(or 100%), id greatly appreciate it. I just think its total BS that a man can stan next to any foe and yeild only a 32% (sometimes less) chance to stun... that is stupid... Even in th initial cutscene instroducing the concept it is explained that all one needs to do to stun any alien is to point and use... why are Earth's most elite soldiors missing at point blank range with a stun ray is retarded..

please do this! :3

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As far as I know the function that calculates the stunt chance is a native function, which means its embedded into the exe, its not even in the upk files, so we cannot even look at its code, less we can change it. Not with current knowledge and tools
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