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Help with Climates of Tamriel and Project ENB Someone who has actually


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I have been studying this stuff for two days and I am still stuck. First of all I think I have Climates of Tamriel installed correctly. Boss says its active and I have seen some cool weather. The big question is how to install an ENB. This is a huge problem for me because I have watched all the videos and it looks so easy...but...When you go to the download part or file part...there are two files to download with nexus mod manager and one without. Then there are other files below that. Cant the mod author simply say..."download this first...then download this...then put these files here." It would be so easy. Now if I sound like a nutcase, I am. I'm not too bad at this stuff but I can't figure out how to install this damn ENB. I would be willing to give my email or cell out to talk to someone who knows how to do this. My wife and twins will be happy because I won't be talking to myself in front of the computer anymore......LOL. Thank you all for your time. Please help. Thank you.


Frank Ingles


[email protected]

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OK, here is how to install Project ENB


First: Go to your saves folder and find SkyPrefs.ini and make the changes the author shows on his discription page. Then download the v119 binary from the link on the site and extract it to a folder or your desktop. All you need from it is d3d9.dll and put it in your Skyrim folder (not the data folder, the skyrim folder.)


Second: Download Project ENB final edition for COT V3_1 and extract it to a folder or your desktop. Open the folder and select Fantasy, Realistic, or winter. Choose only one. Open the one you choose and there will be a folder called "main files" copy everything in the folder to your skyrim directory not the data directory. The folder contains other folders like optional effects and performance options. You can ignore them for now.


Third: go back to where you selected the style you wanted. You will see a folder called "data", Open it and copy the contents to your data directory.


Fourth: Play the game. If you get a lot of lag or stuttering go back to the "performance options" folder and try some of them to see if they help.


I hope this is of help.

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Ok first of all thank you very much. Second what is Project ENB Data folder for Climates Of Tamriel UPDATE 2. it says its required for the COT presets. Also what is particle patch. Also what are all the other options for. Im not trying to be a pest but I have a I-7 overclocked and a GTX 680. I know im asking a lot so reply when you can. I'd actually like to ask you a 1000 questions. Thanks again.

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Forget the update, it is older than the other file. The options are for adjusting your frames per second. By loading the various options you can adjust the frame rate by sacrificing some of the eye candy. With a GTX 680 you shouldn't have to use the options. I use RealVision ENB which is more demanding and have no problem. The particle patch does just that, puts more floating stuff in the air.


Ask whatever you want, that is what the forum is for, to help. I will answer when I can.

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