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Compatibility of mods


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Hello i'm looking for help for sorting my mods.

I'm not that experienced in modding, and I looking for people who can help with that.

Sort out with mods which badly conflict and will bring a lot crashes or so.




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Use BOSS to sort your load order.

- Notes: The ones who keep it up to date are backlogged, so you may have mods that aren't sorted (or are placed incorrectly), so you'll need to move those yourself. BOSS will also warn you of conflicts, and tell you if you need to clean a mod with TES5Edit.


Use Wrye Bash (Smash) for the bashed patch (merging levelled lists, so if you have mods that give new items to npcs, this makes them all work together) and easy load order management.

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I did everything of that. And still game crash.

Here about TES5Edit, all of that need clear?


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Did you run BOSS? It's best to post the BOSS log, rather than screenshots.


Yes, they will all need to be cleaned, unless BOSS says otherwise. You will also need to address any other issues it tells you about, such as the fact you're missing as master file to one of your mods, which is most likely causing the crashing.

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Did you run BOSS? It's best to post the BOSS log, rather than screenshots.


Yes, they will all need to be cleaned, unless BOSS says otherwise. You will also need to address any other issues it tells you about, such as the fact you're missing as master file to one of your mods, which is most likely causing the crashing.


Yep i did, check pls Boss log. I remove that mod alrdy.

Well atm i got crash when enter to specific house(at specific time) or walk to specific location.

But still when i uncheck half mods no crash at all, so i still cant find where conflict.

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Well, which 'specific' places are you crashing at? Find the related mods to those locations and remove them.


Make sure you clean all of those mods, and move the 'unrecognised' ones into better locations in your load order - look at the locations of similar mods to work out where to put them. Be sure to clean them as well, just in case.

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Bannered Mare crash if i skip time there, and befor Riverwood there 1st waterfall around that location crash.

In Unrecognised Mods there only standalone followers mostly and few item mods doubt there any of them conflict.


Gona try clear. Will see.

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After following Bosses suggestions, you may need to start a new character to see the full benefits. JSwords and the BreezeHome mod's warnings should not be overlooked! Potentially corrupt plugins and deleted NavMeshes can cause big issues and I'm pretty sure neither can be cleaned from a save game.

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For JSwords i use patch from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26230 and still have this warning message.

About About BreezeHome here what author said.

Info pertaining to BOSS errors:


As you're probably aware Skyrim has 2 file-types, esm's (Elder Scrolls Master Files) & esp's (Elder Scrolls Plugins), all mods, and probably the game itself, all start life as esp's and some (as in the main game files) then have an internal tag set to Master which means it can no longer be edited directly. Now, one rule to remember is that esm's cannot be modified by other esm's, the game will run both concurrently and the original will almost always win, the same also goes for esp's, you cannot modify an esp with another esp, and finally you cannot mod an esp with an esm, so it's basically a one way thing, you can only mod an esm with an esp!

So, because the house was originally built as an esp in which I made settings changes, such as where the original door now leads to, where the original house building now is etc. but once I changed the file to an esm those changes were ignored during run-time so I had to create an esp overlay to re-affirm those changes, those re-affirmations are what BOSS is calling "dirty edits".

As for the deleted nav-meshes, because the original Breezehome building has been moved I had to remove the nav-mesh that was originally on that particular piece of pathway otherwise you'd have npc's trying to walk through the side of the house!!

I tested extensively, running all over the city with followers in tow to make sure there were no undesired consequences of the changes to the nav-mesh and all is as it should be.

So as you can see, yes there are things that BOSS will tag as problems, but they are intentional.

I hope that explains things for you and you can use the mod without worrying!


bert ;-)

And i try clear save w/o any mods or addons. Still crash.

Edited by cyxou
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Find of what it was Realistic Lighting Overhaul or ClimatesOfTamriel when i disable this mods no crash at all

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