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Using the CK to duplicate position and rotation

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I've looked and cannot find what I wish, so I expect the answer to be no, but a definitive 'no' would be better than just 'not finding':)

In game using a mod like Place Everywhere, it is possible to store the position and axes of an object and apply them to another object in the workshop. I woud like to do the same in the CK, such that if the objects were the same shape and size, one would fit exactly where the other did. It is possible of course to use pen and paper to note these things, but I wish to labour save, not labour produce.:)





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Click on the object that you want to move, then press ctrl+space, a crosshair will appear, then click on the other object (the one from which you want to duplicate the position and rotation) and the "Reference batch action" dialogue will appear, then select the option "Align", and check the checkboxes for position and rotation and click on "Do".

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