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Installation/Uninstall help needed and more :(


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First off i apologize if this is the wrong section. I am new to the modding community starting off on steam about a month ago when i realized I could make skyrim a whole lot better and better looking with some good ol mods. Which would totally make it worth another play through or 2 considering i played the crap out of vanilla and am sadly bored with it. so i get me a bunch of mods that sound cool... and everything was cool for a little bit. Then i start getting ctd all the time. So i started doing some research and learn a bunch about mods not being compatible and stuff being saved in folders and needing to be reomoved proberly. all that junk. Cool so i uninstall skyrim and all folders i could find related. I find the awesome nexus community become a member and get back to modding. All is well for a very shour while and then more ctd. So i leanr some more uninstall/ reinstall and i get boss and wyre bash start all over. same story again i get all the mods that arent supposed to conflict i correct the load order... and then i realize all sorts of stuff that shouldnt stil be there is... horse textures from 2 installs ago. among many other things that shouldnt be there because i deleted everything even close to skyrim related the second time around.... Sorry for all the bs and puncuation... but finally to my question... My plea.... How do i remove everything skyrim related from my pc so that these mods wont stick trust me ive googled this and tried many times now and stuff always sticks somehow .somebody with some experince please help me ive spent countless hours trying to make a better skyrim for myself and my brother and the game is back to unplayable with ctd. all the time. I use steam to remove local files and do the reinstall as well. which is like 13Gb with the 2 dlc which i alsoe purchawed to play and havent even experienced yet. so reinstall takes forever someone please please help

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To completely uninstall:


Use Steam to delete local files, then navigate to Steam/Steamapps/Common and manually delete the ENTIRE Skyrim folder. Then, go to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Saves and make a backup if you want to keep your saves. Then manually delete the ENTIRE Skyrim folder from My Documents/My Games. Once this is done, Skyrim and everything related to it as far as mods and game files are concerned are gone (or in your Recycle Bin).


To install:


Use Steam to install as usual. Before you mod anything whatsoever, make a backup copy of Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim and My Documents/My Games/Skyrim. That way you don't have to download the whole thing again if you ever need to lather/rinse/repeat.

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Yeah the thinng is i did do all that textures and other things stayed somehow as i said above.... i deleted local content through steam i also deleted both folders you mentioned then i went to windows search deleted everything that came up with a search of skyrim. then went to my computer and searched both drives of my computer and again deleted anything that came up when i searched for skyrim. then i went to steam and reinstalled the game. things are still there that shouldnt be.

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Uninstalling and deleting things as I described WILL remove everything, without exception. Bear in mind than any mods you're subscribed to on the Steam network will be automatically downloaded and installed. So if you do a completely fresh install you'll still have everything you're subscribed to. The only way to not have that happen is to make sure to unsubscribe from any mod you don't want.


That's the main advantage to using mods off the Nexus. There are no automatic mod installations.

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I don't know what to tell you. The instructions I've given are the proper way to do things. I've followed those steps many times myself over the past year and a half. Either you're doing something incorrectly, missing something somewhere, or (unlikely) there's something seriously unusual about your installation.


Hopefully someone else can help you, I've done my best.


Good luck.

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