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Non-stop combat music, other music won't play


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I've run into an incredibly annoying bug that's driving me up the wall, and I have no idea what's causing it. I should say that it's nothing to do with the Civil War, as I've read about a similar bug due to the Battle of Whiterun, but I haven't started anything Civil War related on this character.


Basically I get combat music looping endlessly no matter what I do whenever I load up this character. I've even killed several enemies to see if that would end it, but it only (temporarily) ends when I kill a dragon. However, while the battle music finally does fade, no other music will play and all in-game music will be silent. I've tried saving after I kill a dragon and the battle music ends, but upon reloading that save the battle looping starts over again.


Even weirder is that it's only on one specific character, I've loaded others and everything works perfectly fine, so I dunno what's so different about this one. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

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