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# of Projectiles on Bows and CrossBows


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Hi, I've been working on a small mod that adds the number of projectiles for my custom made bow.


I'm trying to make the bow shot 3 arrows in a single shot, you know... Like Legolas and other Elven Archers, they tend to shot more than 1 arrow.


The porblem is:


1.The 2nd, and the 3rd Arrow fly on the lowest power, like tapping the L-Button.


2.When I gave it to my travelling companion (Aela), she use the bow perfectly. All 3 arrows launched perfectly from the bow with maximum power.


3.Is there a possibility that the arrows collide on each other?



I've tried it on Crossbow, and get a different result, the bolt was released in 1 line, not spreading like the bow when Aela used it, but it did releases 8 bolts.


Here is the ESP as well.

To get the weapons, type: Help Legolas 4 /Help Shotgun 4



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