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Confused about multiple things.


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If your game runs fine and as expected, they don't really matter. Some mods do use the exact same files (texture mods, for instance - I use Skyrim HD, and a couple dozen other smaller mods on top. If I were to install them all with Bash, then I'd have a ton of orange and yellow) and thus one will overwrite the other, resulting in the orange and yellow boxes.


Bashed patches only deal with the levelled list. Game data, not meshes/textures/etc. =)

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Back again, this time with my first problem


So I sometimes see some characters and parts of them are invisible. They have one thing in common - bear armor.


I know what's missing, but how do I go about diagnosing this problem? I'm pretty sure immersive armor's handles this specific armor (though I can't find a reference to it ANYWHERE), and I have all compatibility patches I can find.


What's the process of sorting this out? Thanks.

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