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Fixing dialogue problem

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I recently wanted to add dialogue to a follower that I made, but when I started the game all of the other npcs were using that dialogue. I went into geck and deleted the conversation but now when I play the game there is no option of "I have to go now" or "Goodbye" for any of the other npcs. How can I restore that?

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Hello there!


First, a word on why the dialogue wasn't showing up. When you add dialogue for a follower/NPC, it must be conditionalized to a particular person or persons to say, otherwise, EVERYONE will say it.


Here are a couple of tutorials to help you with that.


Crows youtube vid



GECK Tutorials







These will also show you why the dialogue options you deleted have now disappeared.


To restore, you have 2 options (there maybe others, but I haven't had to restore dialogue in a couple of years)


1st: Just do a reinstall


2nd: In the topics tab, in the left panel, right click to open up a new box that will have a list of topics in it, right click and make a new topic (name it AAgoodbye for ease), double click it, then just add the info for what the npc will say, make sure the "top-level" and "goodbye" markers are checked, and do not add a condition for this one.


Hope this helps





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