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Clothes/armor for pure mage


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I'm playing as a pure destruction mage (with just a tiny bit of Conjuration) and I'm having a great time with my melee follower (Mjoll is fabulous). The thing is, I'm really bored with my armor. Namely I'm using Archmage's Robes and Boots for ages now which is the best choice really...


What I'm looking for is a mod that would introduce a set of powerful mage robes to the game so I wouldn't be stuck forever with the same boring looks of archmage's stuff. Maybe some kind of a nice hooded robe that could be enchanted...? Or maybe just go with Light Armor? Stalhrim items look very nice indeed.


Can someone point me to the right direction?


ps. I'm also using Mage's Backpacks mod and it's awesome!

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