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Who is your Fallout character?


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i made a little vats carnage compilation for my "scary psychotic randomly evil" character, i have a lot of characters, ridiculously so. but i think Freyr has the most personality.


the pic is of her (yes... at normal scale) after a 5 minute fight with an emperor rad-scorp, which is freaking gigantic by the way, the picture doesnt even do it justice

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My fallout charactor is a level 24 assassin who i created not so long ago called Tyson, i just wanted to try out stealth and melea weapons in fallout so i created this guy I have alot of stealth perks for him some modded ones and some ones known as the ninja and mister sandman perks. And sorry it's not letting me upload the images i took. Edited by Save Us Sloth
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That was quality! I'm going to have to bash up something like that for mine.


Here's my current character(s): Tormenta as part of Picon Squad.




Tormenta was born and raised as a member of the Talon Company, with an ammo crate for a cot and a frag grenade for a rattle. Her first assigment was supposed to be a routine assasination - Mr Burke, a regular client of the Company, wanted some pesky Wastelander who claimed to come from a Vault taken out. This wasn't the first time this Wanderer had been heard of at Fort BannisterThe ambush was all laid and ready, and as the Wanderer came out of a Metro station Tormenta's squad opened fire. The Wanderer was able to quickly take cover and return fire, and in the ensuing battle all of the Talon Company soldiers were killed save Tormenta, who had been grazed by a laser blast in the right eye. Lying there in unbearable agony, clutching at the burning remains of her eye and screaming in rage and pain, she saw the Lone Wanderer approach. Feebly she grabbed for her rifle, but it was contemptuosly kicked away by an armoured boot.


'Did you honestly think you scum would kill me?' A voice hissed in her ear as the Wanderer bent down, in a parody of a lover whispering to another. 'I've heard about your kind, mercenaries that kill for pay with no questions asked. It's a betrayal of everything I hold dear. I knew the world had gone to hell, but this...this is wrong.' The Wanderer drew back, two crystal blue eyes staring into Tormenta's one good eye. 'I ought to end your sorry existence right now,' the Wanderer spat disgustedly, aiming a laser rifle between her eyes. Time stopped, and in that moment all of her senses cleared. She could see right down the barrel, into the black void that would be lit with a brilliant glow which would be her last sigh. She could hear the click as the Wanderer flipped off the safety and the soft humming as the laser rifle came active over the crackling flames of the fire that had sprung up as a result of the fight. A sick, acrid smell filled her nostrils which she recognised as burnt flesh - her own from where the laser had boiled away part of her face and her eye, and had then instantly cauterised it. It felt hot to the touch, and with every painful movement she made the blackened skin stretched and broke, bringing new agonies. Tormenta stared right at the Wanderer, trying to keep a straight face so that she could die with dignity like she had been raised to do, but her lip kept quivering with pain and in the end she had to bite it so hard to stop it moving that she drew blood. A coppery taste dropped onto her tongue, and she felt blood trickling down her chin. Wrenching back sobs and trembling, she wiped it away along with her tears with the back of her glove as the Wanderer watched with an unmoving face. For what seemed like years they stared at each other, until the Wanderer lowered the laser rifle.


'I...' The Wanderer began, and then suddenly turned and walked off. Unbelieving, Tormenta did not take her eyes off the Wanderer and watched until the solitary figure faded into the distance and was camouflaged by the fading light of the early evening. She lay for hours, believing that eventually the Wanderer would come back to finish her and end the pain. At some point she realised the Wanderer was not coming back, and that her suffering would not end just yet. She dragged herself over to her rifle, chambered a round and stuck the barrel under her chin. Before she could pull the trigger, a thought popped into her head; why had the Wanderer not fired? Tormenta wanted to know, wanted to know why this person was so intent on causing her so much pain, what drove a person to such depravity and sadistic ideas, and resolved that she would find and repay this Wanderer a thousandfold for what had been done to her.


Two days later a back-up team arrived to investigate and found Tormenta hovering at the edge of consciousness, propped against a wall with her rifle in her lap and the bodies of the rest of her team as well as those of several carrion animals lying around her. Whilst the eye was beyond saving, a favour to a surgeon was called in and she was giving a pre-war experimental implant. Within a month Tormenta was back in action, and volunteered to take part in the hunt for the Wanderer. With the Company's ranks being thinned dramatically by a resurgence of Super Mutant activity, Tormenta was given authorisation to recruit outsiders into the Company as the more experienced warriors fought an all-out war for control of Downtown D.C. Tormenta traveled to Underworld after reports that the Lone Wanderer had been sighted there, and whilst her search was unsuccessful she befriended a Ghoul called Hilga who was tired of the Ghoul City and eagerly signed up. The two then journeyed to Paradise Falls, as Talon Company and the Slavers were known to use each other's services. Talon Company paid a premium for young children, especially toddlers, to be indoctrinated into the Company, and the Slavers often turned to Talon Company if they needed extra muscle on a job or more weaponry. The two mercenaries negotiated for a slave named Clover, and in return the three of them helped the Slavers raid and wipe out a small isolationist settlement called the Republic of Dave. Returning to Fort Bannister, the three of them were equipped with standard issue Talon Company equipment, save Hilga who chose to take a helmet with a facemask to try and avoid some of the large anti-Ghoul bias that filled the Capital Wasteland, and dubbed 'Picon Squad.' Tormenta was dismayed to learn that the contract on the Wanderer was no longer regarded as a top priority, and whilst the Wanderer was to be engaged if spotted, no longer could resources be engaged on such a large scale. Tormenta's new orders were to travel from settlement to settlement, spread the influence of Talon Company and take contracts as and when they came up.


Here Tormenta and her squad are moving into an abandoned field camp. Clover is at the front with her SAW to provide maximum firepower at the front, with Tormenta and Hilga following close behind.



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Belle (french for beauty), my currently lvl 11 Pitt girl. She's since gotten some cosmetic surgery, and her sickness has cleared up (mostly because I can't figure out how to use the hair mods with The Pitt races). He's trying to go down the Evil Karma path, but she tends to do some good deeds.


Here's her confronting Wernher. Hope you like the story.




Belle stormed through the Steelyard, her mind abuzz with what had just happened. The cure, the very cure that she had promised to fetch for the slaves, was not at all what she had expected. The moment she layed her rose colored eyes on it, she knew that things had changed.


So up she stormed to where Midea had told her Wernher was hiding out, intent on bring all the fury of Heaven and Hell down upon the former Slaver. Slowing only to draw her pistol and put a round in the slave guard's head, she kicked open the door to Wernher's hiding place.


"Oh, good, you're here," he said, not at all phased by Belle's dramatic entrance. "The cure, where's the cure?" he asked, coming down from his makeshift lab to meet her. "The...cure....Where is it?" Before the expression of surprise even began to form on his face, Belle had one hand at the colar of his shirt, the other one holding the silenced pistol, the cold metal barrel pointed at Wernher's neck.


"You never said the cure was a child you jack***," she growled at him.


"Oh great, you've gone soft on me. You'll hang out with these cutthroats, beat the slaves that you worked with, and even kill others, but kidnapping. Oh no, that's a big no-no. Face it, you would have never even taken the job if you knew it was a child."


"You know what," she said, lowering her gun, "You're right. Kidnapping is something I won't do. My mom was taken from me when I was just born, and my dad not too long ago. I'm NOT putting that kid through what I had to go through."


"Fine, I'll get someone else to take the cure. Now get out of here you filthy traitor before I blow your ****ing brains out."


"Yeah, about that...." In one fluid motion, Belle raised her handgun and snapped off a shot, putting a hole in Wernher's head and dropping him like a sack of bricks. "See, Lord Ashur asked me to....do away with you. No hard feelings." And with that, she turned, and left to go report to Ashur, leaving Wernher's corpse to rot.

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Meet Sabine Nabokova, my resident thirty-year-old in a nineteen-year-old body.

Well, all right, she's more like 'twenty', but you get the idea. Myeah.


As Three Dog had it, she possesses a "moral compass firmly grounded in gray", although this stems more from pragmatism and a desire for even-handedness than from self-interest. And, all right, she may have been somewhere in the vicinity when a certain town happened to accidentally blow up. It's not her fault that "her" Mister Burke happens to be such a charming... male without a father. >.>


She lost both her legs, an arm, and about half her face to a landmine that she was attempting to disarm, when it decided it would rather detonate instead. As a result, she now consists of about 40% cybernetics. Wasteland reconstruction. Oh, joy.


Notorious for being the sort of person who plays both sides of the table, she has friends both among the Outcasts and a certain other military organization (but we don't talk about that). However, she wishes Madison Lee and all those prats inhabiting the Pentagon would kindly die in a chemical fire.


Loves her father very much, but occasionally wishes he weren't quite such an idiot.


Enjoys playing chess with ZAX computers and sniping people from afar.


That is all. c:

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Meet Boris


Oh well never mind i cant upload the pic for some reason :verymad:


He is merely a lvl 7 wanderer, with a g36c and an hardened combat armor


You could just upload it on imageshack or photobucket and link here. Did you remember to resave the image as a .jpg/.jpeg before uploading?

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Well, I'll show you all one of my characters. This is Far, I know, wierd name, you'll notice that in all of my characters (If I show you them, that is). This guy is a power-armored superweapon. He carries a special Shotgun, a Glock18c and his Tatical Shotgun, which is more used for Sniping low-level stuff. Doesn't really have a backstory, well, alright. I guess I could explain some stuff.


One day he was looking through the town of Canterbury Commons, when he was given a crazy quest. So he went up to the Robot Repair Center, started killing some robots when suddenly, The Mechanist approached him, he pulled out his Silenced 10mm (Old gun, don't ask) and tried to shoot him but the headshots did no effect, however, they did damage his helmet. The Mechanist got angry and decided to throw Far into a wierd chamber. He was knocked unconsious and woke up in a bed in Canterbury Commons. It wasn't a dream though, Uncle Roe explained that this Wastelander found him and let him out of the chamber. The Wastelander and the Mechanist where never found again, although, there was a wierd device known as a "Pip-Boy 3000" that attached to his wrist, he suspects that it happened while he was in the chamber. Joe Porter thought he was in the progress of turning into a robot, but nobody will really know what happened on the 23rd of June, 2273. He also noticed that his Silenced 10mm was gone, never found again. (Although, thats actually how Mr. Burke got his gun, he was a wastelander before getting hired by Tenpenny, and he found that gun, this also tricked people who listened to GNR into thinking that Mr. Burke was The Mechanist thanks to Three Dog's crazy theory. But its not true, they have different voices)


Then, 4 years after that Pip-Boy event, Far found a wierd building under the rock, he went inside and was greeted by a guy named Bob, he said that he worked for this thing called the Foundation and though Far was a Vault Dweller, however, Far ignored it. Bob said a second crisis was coming, and wanted him to help. Far accepted, and after a few hard months of collecting items, Canterbury Commons was actually becoming good. However, Uncle Roe did not like this so he decided Far should leave, after all, he was only meant to stay until he was 16, but now he's 19. So Far was about to leave, when the foundation decided to give him equipment that could help his mission on survivng. He was given a Tatical Shotgun and a set of Experimental Power Armor. So Far left Canterbury Commons, never to return.


Far travelled the wastes, and helped out with securing the Temple Of the Unions safety and helped Big Town with some serious trouble. Before leaving, Far was given direction to a town named "Megaton" where he could be safe for once. So Far went there, but on his way, he found a skeleton with a Shotgun and a Glock18c over his corpse. He decided to take them, just in case he needed it. It was a long, tiring journey, but eventually he reached Megaton, and was given a warm welcome, here is where he is found.



The Foundation Mod does exist, you'll have to find it yourself though.


Image should be below, if not, tough.

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