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[LE] TESVEdit Create Seq File Noob Question

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Sorry for the very noob questions. Just trying to learn more about TESVEdit. :p

But from what I understand, this function creates a SEQ file for creating quest and follower mods (for dialogues)?

What if I accidentally create a seq file for some mod/esm that doesn't really need it? Let's say the Skyrim esm, will it generate something at all or create any mess on my files?

And lastly, If I open TESVEdit within Mod Organizer (1), does it generate in the mod folder or in the overwrite folder?


Thank you!

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Sorry for the very noob questions. Just trying to learn more about TESVEdit. :tongue:


But from what I understand, this function creates a SEQ file for creating quest and follower mods (for dialogues)?


What if I accidentally create a seq file for some mod/esm that doesn't really need it? Let's say the Skyrim esm, will it generate something at all or create any mess on my files?


And lastly, If I open TESVEdit within Mod Organizer (1), does it generate in the mod folder or in the overwrite folder?


Thank you!

Doing a quick test I tried to create a seq file on skyrim.esm and tesV edit created "nothing." As shown


So are you sure you actually created a seq file with skyrim.esm?


I then loaded both Skryim and my mod and created a seq file then deleted it from the folder and just created one from my mod and a new seq file appeared. Meaning, if you feel you messed up, I think just deleting it and making a seq file "just" on your mod should put you in a good place.


It doesn't seem like TESV edit includeds Skryim given that it didn't generate one from the original test.


I hope that helps. Maybe someone else has more insight.

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