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SkyUI with Complete Widescreen Fix and Vanilla Crafting Menu


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again, not to interfere in your fun squabble kids, but


Maybe try adjusting the font size used in skyui? (i haven't, since I have a normal width monitor, so not sure if that'll compress the lines on which they reside or not, but it's worth a shot)


Or maybe this mod *might help? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1778?tab=posts

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you're just trolling at this point man, try harder. i could truthfully answer any modding question on here with "well if you just stopped using mods you woudln't have this problem" and i would be technically correct, and equally as rude.


No, you asked if there was a solution, I provided the only solution available. There literaly is no alternative. That isn't trolling, that's just providing the answer and you not liking the answer.


i managed to cobble together a solution. ultrawide UI fix(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15268) originally didn't even work with SkyUI, but i went into it's folder and deleted every swf except "craftingmenu.swf" and that actually worked. it's just skewed a little taller because it's made for 32:9 aspect ratio instead of 21:9. so now i just need a 21:9 version of ultrawide UI fix

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you're just trolling at this point man, try harder. i could truthfully answer any modding question on here with "well if you just stopped using mods you woudln't have this problem" and i would be technically correct, and equally as rude.


No, you asked if there was a solution, I provided the only solution available. There literaly is no alternative. That isn't trolling, that's just providing the answer and you not liking the answer.


i managed to cobble together a solution. ultrawide UI fix(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15268) originally didn't even work with SkyUI, but i went into it's folder and deleted every swf except "craftingmenu.swf" and that actually worked. it's just skewed a little taller because it's made for 32:9 aspect ratio instead of 21:9. so now i just need a 21:9 version of ultrawide UI fix

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again, not to interfere in your fun squabble kids, but


Maybe try adjusting the font size used in skyui? (i haven't, since I have a normal width monitor, so not sure if that'll compress the lines on which they reside or not, but it's worth a shot)


Or maybe this mod *might help? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1778?tab=posts

this was one of my first attempts. it has a widescreen fix that works for SkyUI, and it has one that works for the vanilla UI, but trying to use both of them breaks

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no, you're being an a**hole. there are solutions out there. if not yet, there are solutions possible within the limitations of the modding system itself. SkyUI can be patched to leave crafting menus alone. so different sections of the UI can be modded independently of each other. there are mods that fix the vanilla crafting menus and UI to work with widescreen. they work without skyUI. i know for a fact they could be patched to only affect the crafting menus and not conflict with skyui, even if i don't know how to do so myself


you're just being an a**hole because you want to, for some reason. your solution is not a solution, it's just an arbitrary statement from an a**hole, and your information is false as well. using a different monitor is not the only solution, and there are definitely solutions, as i have outlined.


If you know there are solutions, why are you asking if there are solutions? Just go use those solutions that you know exist?

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