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Mods not showing up. Please help.


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I will tell you my exact situation. I downloaded mods from Nexus and Steam. I downloaded one from Steam, and the rest from Nexus using NMM. So here's the kicker. I activated all my mods on NMM. They all successfully activated and they are now in the plug in tab. When I started up my launcher, I checked the data save files, and all mods are checked. The ONLY mod that worked was the Temptress Race mod. But my other mods are not showing up. The mods that I have are Drakul Armor, Demon Sword, Mask V mod, and Demon Form mod. But...they are not showing up. I loaded these mods when I just started Skyrim. I have not unlocked any shouts or have not leveled up yet. Do I have to do something before these mods appear?

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Drakul is either crafted or found in a locked chest. Demon Sword by Newermind43 is crafted at the Skyforge, while Demon Sword by Hein84 is crafted at any forge by requires Steel smithing. 'Mask V' doesn't exist on Nexus search, and there are two 'Demon Form' mods. Zigurd88's one has a chest in the Khajiit camp outside Whiterun, while the required book from TheSkoomaKing's mod is in the Whiterun Catacombes.


Did you check all these places?

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Drakul is either crafted or found in a locked chest. Demon Sword by Newermind43 is crafted at the Skyforge, while Demon Sword by Hein84 is crafted at any forge by requires Steel smithing. 'Mask V' doesn't exist on Nexus search, and there are two 'Demon Form' mods. Zigurd88's one has a chest in the Khajiit camp outside Whiterun, while the required book from TheSkoomaKing's mod is in the Whiterun Catacombes.


Did you check all these places?

Man I feel like an idiot. That knocks out the Drakul Armor and Demon Sword. Yes, Zigurds88's demon form. Well, let's see if I can successfully find it. As for the mask. It's called Mask Of V. Thanks for the answers!

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