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Non toggle sneak.


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Just wondering if is possible to make sneak non-togglable?

Instead you must hold down the sneak button to continue to sneak.

Think this would be great and kinda give you the ability to duck to make you a smaller target for those pesky archers. Also it would make the forward roll easyer to use, toggle and untoggle in heat of the battle is such a hassle :)


Well, what do you guys think? Is it possible? A bad idea? Or perhaps a good one?

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  • 1 year later...

DUDES. I really want a mod that can do this, but I don't want to uninstall my current SkyTweaks mod!!!


Are there any other mods that can do this?


At that note, grimy's utilities doesn't seem to be in optional files, at least not anymore.

Edited by darkdragonlove
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