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"I smell", apparently.


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After googling the hell out of it in different positions I don't know where else to go - characters keep telling me that I smell and the only dialogue option is "Why do people not like me", which leads to a response of "You smell". It's impossible to trade or take quests, they just keep telling me this same bloody phrase. For all the smart-asses out there - IT'S NOT "YOU SMELL LIKE A WET DOG" and I'm not a werewolf or vampire. I am just a law-abiding citizen who happens to stink so horribly that even characters from mods tell me that I smell.

Any suggestions on who was stupid enough to include a feature like that in his mod?

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Well, I would be almost 100% certain that it would be a 'Realism' Immersion Mod responsible for adding such a feature....As for 'stupidity' do you bother to read in full ALL the details on a Mod you decide to install?...The 'stupidity' is on the behalf of the user for not looking into what their downloading, not the Modder. Edited by StayFrosty05
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The idiot here would be you to think that I didn't check all the readmes again after having this problem, not to mention that I always read through them in case some *special eyes* are mentioned. In this case they were not, or some of the mods simply didn't provide necessary information. NOWHERE was it mentioned that at some point you'll start to smell and there won't be any f*cking salvation.


And I don't use that mod at all, latest I've installed were Race Compatibility, The Dark Tower and Kamdoon, which are all disabled with the problem still present. It's been there for three days, I wouldn't have started a topic if it was that easy to solve.

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It has nothing to do with bathing, I'm afraid, I ran through all kinds of water sources, not to mention I don't have any "immersion" mods of that sort installed. Really, The Dark Tower, Ningheim Race + Race Compatibility and Kamdoon were like the only .esps I installed during the last month (other mods being simple retextures), and the smelling issue only appeared a week ago. Deactivating and activating all mods helped but it reappeared soon after and has been like that for three days already. Ofc I can just reactivate everything again but I want to know what file is causing the trouble, since simply shutting mods down doesn't always work with Skyrim.

Edited by Druid12
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It turned out I was sick with Sanguinare Vampiris but drinking the cure didn't help - no diseases but people still hate me. As for that conversation - I've seen that, turns out it's the only case of discussing such a problem, but again, not interested in werewolves and have no mods tied to them. And this problem simply can't be caused by Better Vampires - it's been around for too long, I'd start "smelling" a lot earlier.

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I've been outside for quite some time, already tried sleeping and running into the water. I know what you mean by the dungeon, but it's not "you smell like death", the damn phrase isn't even voiced as everybody says it. "You smell", simple as that.


As I said, deactivating all mods and reactivating them helped but after some time I start "smelling" again, so I would like to know what's the problem instead of shutting everything down.


It must have been something recent since there's only one discussion so far - either that or some of the earlier mods had a nasty hidden feature. Then again, I would have noticed, not to mention there would be multiple threads on this issue.

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Just in case, folks, I REALLY appreciate you stopping by trying to help, I just wish it was that easy - tied to some bathing mods or immersion enhancers. It is not, sadly, and I wouldn't start a topic on an issue if I was able to figure it out myself. It's been around for a week, and only one discussion on this problem was created so far. Not counting this one, ofc.


Again, the solution is found - to reactivate all mods, but for obvious reasons I'd like to know what particular mods is responsible.

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