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Ini edits only affecting interiors


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You can set resolution too (isnt life great) ... these settings work absolutely fine (well at least on my system) ... but they are pretty heavy for your system.


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in Skyrim.ini





iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=4096 // set lower to improve performance (values are 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc)

fSunShadowUpdateTime=00.00 // I dont like the big changes to shadows the game normally does... I use 00.00 values here and set in console: set timescale to 1
fSunUpdateThreshold=00.00 // same as above




in Skyrimprefs.ini







iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=4096 // set lower to improve performance (values are 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc)
iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=4096 // set lower to improve performance (values are 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc)

iShadowMapResolution=4096 // set lower to improve performance (values are 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc)

iBlurDeferredShadowMask=5 // use 3 or 5, 3 gives higher performance and can sometimes help with problems with shadows in combination with ENB
fShadowDistance=8000.0000 // lowering this value improves close by shadows (eg. to value 4500.0000) but this will make distant shadows worse

fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000 // same as above



bShadowsOnGrass=1 // when using a grass mod that can have shadows this setting could cost you a lot of performance, in case you have set to 0



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Good luck with finals! :biggrin: And you are very welcome.

I agree with Prod that you will prob see better shadows with lower resolutions. His suggestions are pretty much what I would suggest.

I personally turn of the tree and grass shadows and have never missed them.

I would still advocate the fShadowDistance=4000.000, for the reasons Prod80 states.

I use fShadowBiasScale=0.500, but if you are not seeing striping this may not be needed.

Also-- I don't use ENB mods, so I am not sure how these changes affect ENB.

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Yea, I run with ENB, and have Ambient Occlusion through that... bit hard to say how they will look EXACTLY without it, but I was pretty happy with shadows even before ENB and I havent changed any of those settings except iBlurDeferredShadowMask (changed 3 -> 5), which gave me better results with my current ENB settings.


Problem is that you can tweak the hell ouf of ini's and they will look awesome in the scene you used... but completely horrible in another scene... try and find a good middle way which will work 'good to great' in all scenes instead of 'awesome super' in just a select few scenes and crap in others. Otehrwise youll just be more tweaking than playing :p

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Thanks all for advices and thanks Georgie for wishing me luck!


About my settings, they aren't really a problem though. Only time it's not 60 fps is around the forest southeast. I don't use ENB, I use Realistic Lighting and RCRN, with high res texture packs.

Like you said prod, I'm still finding that balance, but I like my look of it right now and the game runs smooth.


Now I don't know what cards you have, but skyrim runs very well with the GeForce GTX 670 2048mb version.


http://puu.sh/2VbQF.png <- My other components. Though some of the info is on swedish, but I think you'll understand either way.


Again, thanks for everything, I've done my tweaks and I like it and I'll share a beautiful gif with before and after pictures of RCRN.


http://puu.sh/2VcWj.gif Remember that this is a gif so some quality is lost, but I still like it.


Cheers everyone,


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Cool! Always like images... tho RCRN is a too gritty for me (tried it twice) I have since then switched to CoT3.1 + RLO4.0.7c + ENB132 and havent looked back since... :) but, a lotta people seem to enjoy RCRN... so to each it's own... enjoy the game and tweak a bit less... perhaps at times you can even follow the story :D


As for HW I use is i5 @ 4.4ghz / 8gb1600 / gtx560ti (soon to be upgraded to 4gb gtx670, unless 700 series comes out good (but its the same GPU, just optimized a bit) - this 560 card just cannot pull more than 20-30 fps outside, horrible, but I wont change quality just to have to change back a bit later again) / Win7x64


I run high texture mods (anything from landscapes, mountains, grasses, waters to all NPC's completely changed) CoT+RLO with ENB132 nicely tweaked, with SkyRe and a load of replacers, animations, etc (there's literally like no original texture left in my game).


Riverwood in Day



Solitude at Night




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Nice images, looking nice indeed!


I know how you feel in a way, I had 560ti too before I upgraded.

The difference was huge for me, though I also replaced my processor, still though. Performance wise, it literally climbed up a lot of steps on the ladder.

Anyway, I'm sure the grin on your face will widen up with your new card in the future. Hopefully the 700-series will be as good as the 600-series when they were new.


Best regards mate,


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yea, 560 is a good card, runs everything well but not a modded Skyrim :[...


Unmodded it pull over 70 FPS average (for as far as I tried - that'll be 1-2 days lol), but when I replace my Skyrim HD textures 2k version with the 4k version FPS comes to a halt completely (perhaps 9-14 FPS... lol)


So what I have now is really really very much the highest resolution it can pull and still be somewhat playable outside between 20-30 FPS, thank good most of the combat plays inside and I play with Bow so outside stuff is generally dead before they come in melee distance... dungeons are fine tho, runs 40-60 fps regardless of my textures. Perhaps ill replace only dungeon textures to 4K as I have a lot of room there anyway.


My gfx is definitely the slowest part in my system (money ran out and gfx card is the easiest to replace later - so I picked this one)... my CPU is hardly used in Skyrim and when I run HiAlgo boost and drop resolution to 33% my FPS tripples (so even then it's still GPU limited...) I guess a GPU upgrade will make this game absolutely great again =)

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