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I installed a mod which includes the poses below. Poses #1-3 correctly place the right hand behind the body, while the fourth does not, resulting in problems when #4 blends with movement or attacks.

http://i.imgur.com/NJFz708s.jpg http://i.imgur.com/q45FkGks.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FAaTtmos.jpg http://i.imgur.com/j3fIIDGs.jpg

Mag+1h ~~~~~ 1h+1h ~~~~~ Mag+1h ~~~~~ 1h+1h

How can I make pose #4 match the others? I've been googling without coming up with much information. Do you know of a guide for editing animations?


I think the animations involved are below, though the names are difficult to decipher:


1hm_idle.hkx : 1-hand main weapon ?

mlh_idle.hkx : magic left hand ?

dw1hm1hmidle.hkx : dual-wield 1-hand main, 1-hand main ?

Edited by Thalassicus
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