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Papyrus Script Profile Viewer?


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Is there an existing tool that can organize and analyze papyrus profiling logs? I've looked all over and cant seem to find one. I tried Papyrus Log Viewer, seems to be for log files only and not for script profiles. Tried the tool included with Fallout 4 CK with my Skyrim script logs, no dice there either, just get an error. This game is coming up on 10 years old, there must be a script log viewer somewhere. Please help me find it. I'm dealing with inconsistent and high script lag, and sometimes non at all with the exact same script.

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Thanks Ishara. I forgot to mention that one; I did find that previously. I tried experimenting with the webtool linked in the article. It does about 10% of the work that would be necessary to get a good view of things. No pre-computed stack PUSH/POP time, and it strips out the info about the stack instruction source object ID, name, and script name. I have to transfer the data to a spreadsheet to analyze the data in any useful way. I don't think it would take too much effort to create something to translate the information in a profile log to something much more useful. Which is why I thought there might be a well-known obvious tool I'm overlooking.

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