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Load Order Resetting; Can't Patch Automatic Variants, ReProccer


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With BUM you get the unrecognised ones on the left - select one and then search through the masterlist (right) for it's category or for a similar mod. The category drop down menu is at the top of the masterlist section and the search feature is just above that.


Double click on the mod that you want to place it by and then use the top-left section to place it either above of below the mod and then set the rule.


Also, there is a new of AV now if you don't have it already.

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<p>Yeah, I saw the update for that but all I saw it update was that it fixed an incompatibility or error with SkyMoMod. I'll try it. And I'll try working with BUM. Thank you for that. Do you have any ideas on the patcher freezing with the NPC Variants?<br />

<br />

Edit: Nevermind. After updating everything is fine and dandy once more. Thank you for all your help Cait. Kudos to you.</p>

Edited by MasterCanterbury
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