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Better FPS Mods.


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I am looking for a very good Optimization type mod, to help with the FPS drops, and just general laggy behavior, I have a pretty good gaming lappy, but I still experience quite a bit of lagtasticness sometimes, I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for a mod that could help? :thanks: In advance!
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Off the top of my head, look these up.



Low Poly Trees

Low Poly Grass/LowLow Poly Grass


quieter feet MAX

Distant Land reduxed MAX.


I personally just turn the grass off, Oblivion is a pretty game even without that feature, but at the same time i run all of the available Unique landscapes mods, which rebalances the pretty. Another pointer i would say is run Oblivion in windowed mode, for me it squeeses a few extra FPS in


im on an Nvidia 7600 LAPTOP card, resolution 1220x800 WINDOWED (or something like that) and i do between 25-38 FPS outside, and i run plenty of mods which hit performance.


I hope that helps.


edit: One last thing, do a tag search on the nexus for Oblivion, Performance Improver. Youll find ALOT of goodies there.

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