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How to make a custom companion your main character?


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I hope someone knows how to do this, I've been trying to figure this out but surprisingly still not had any luck. Is it possible to transfer the look (face, hairstyle, etc.) of a companion (specifically a custom companion from a mod) onto your main character (or when you create a new one.)

I've been looking for a mod that can do this, but I can't seem to find one. I've found ones that can transfer faces from save to save but not from companion NPC's to your save.

Anyone know of one that can accomplish this?

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Duplicate that companion, check Is CharGen Face Preset and Unique. Go to Character\Race, choose the race that identical to the race of the companion, choose Preset NPCs tab and add the newly created duplicate NPC. Now that companion's appearance will become one of the preset appearances of that race, create a new character or use showracemenu to switch to it

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Hey Sjogga, if you can that'd be great! The companion in question that I'd like as my main character is from this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35665//?


Hey blacksupernova, how would I go about doing what you said? Using a mod or through the console?


Thanks for the help guys.

No, you will be using the CK to create a mod that allows you to use your favorite companion's look as preset appearance. When create character, or using showracemenu, it will be available as the eleventh preset in Body tab.

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Hey Sjogga, if you can that'd be great! The companion in question that I'd like as my main character is from this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35665//?


Hey blacksupernova, how would I go about doing what you said? Using a mod or through the console?


Thanks for the help guys.

No, you will be using the CK to create a mod that allows you to use your favorite companion's look as preset appearance. When create character, or using showracemenu, it will be available as the eleventh preset in Body tab.


Sounds good, I'll give that a try, thanks! :smile:

Edit: I'm assuming CK is the Creation Kit? I googled Skyrim and CK and that's what showed up.

Edited by JackRabbit69
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The method I described to you is supposed to copy all traits of the base NPC to the player. If it can not, since I don't use the mod, I can only assume that the hair style (and ears?) is not enabled for your race or not enabled to be used by the player at all. If that's the case, you need to check whether that particular hair style has Playable flag check and what its Valid Races value is

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The hairstyle is a part of Apachii SkyHair if I'm not mistaken, which is why it wouldn't show up when you selected the preset. Presets take data supplied by the Skyrim.esm, so hair, eyebrows, eye colours etc added by mods will have to be selected manually.


The author of the mod does say mention a few mods in the description required to make her look exactly like in the pictures. He doesn't mention Apachii SkyHair because the hair data can be saved in a follower mod, but not in a character preset mod.


As for the ears, they look like the standard Bosmer ears to me, but I couldn't be sure.

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