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Scripts Running, Bloating, etc


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Im trying to clear out old leftover Scripts causing my game to CTD. I can load up a run and save instantly, but when those Scripts start running from a leftover MOD, it crashes. As soon as the scripting starts, I cannot save or will auto save ... crash and burns.


Ideas? Details? Any of the utilities fix this? Some of the gamesaves will load, the Scripts start running and crashes as I try to save. Some of the gamesaves just wont load at all and crashes to Windows. I have to create another SKSE folder in my Data and then try to create a skse.ini as well. So have done this but still have to go back and delete it and start over trying. Any details will help and have discussed this some when looking at MOD Organizer removal.


I use NMM, Wrye-Bash and BOSS. I could never seem to make SKSE work in MO and probably something I was not creating correctly to make it work. I am going to go back and review MO information.

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Ive been discussing some of this issue with Ripple when I was trying to get MOD Organizer off my system. Im going to try and get back into my game again and try the console command. SKSE info basically details when that is used, it may take hours to sort through the Scripts and kill the leftovers from MODs deleted. I will note as well that when I went to my my Data file in Skyrim, the SKSE folder was missing and created one, then you have to create a skse.ini file in that folder. There is a command line you must add to the text file and the file was missing somehow.



When it is created, it goes on forever trying to load that skse.ini and may be working the Scrpts overhaul, because it just goes on loading up in the top green across the file. Like I say, it may be actually doing the Scripts as SKSE loads them into that skse.ini file. Im attempting to see how this goes forward. I may have to literally uninstall the game and start all over with uninstalling the MODs to clear it out. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to.





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Fixed issues and was not bloating. I had to use NMM uninstall feature, reinstall and used the TESV and TESVESS programs. The console command on the scripts always showed none needed fixed, it was MODs and cleaning issues.

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