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Is Climates of Tamriel supposed to look like this?


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So I've heard a lot of great things about the CoT mod, and I thought I'd give it a go on a second play through. So far all the weather effects and sunsets are impressive... but normal daytime lighting doesn't look right. It just looks... kind of muted. The only other lighting mod I'm using is Enhanced Lights/FX and it's supposed to work with CoT


This is what I mean.


With CoT http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y391/matthew_williams10/ScreenShot4_zps15283fc1.png


Normal http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y391/matthew_williams10/ScreenShot6_zpsab4de140.png



Is it supposed to look like this? Is there a way to make the CoT daytime more vibrant? Thanks

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Yep. If you want more colour, then have a look at ENBs or lighting overhauls/post process injectors. RLO and Imaginator are apparently pretty good, I used FXAA before I moved on to ENBs, and and I now use Project ENB.

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Yep. If you want more colour, then have a look at ENBs or lighting overhauls/post process injectors. RLO and Imaginator are apparently pretty good, I used FXAA before I moved on to ENBs, and and I now use Project ENB.


Lack of color isn't the problem. Dimness is. ENBs and lighting overhauls can help with that as well, but it's a steep performance drop and a high risk of conflicts for very little gain.

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