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(request) loading screens with progress bar


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I would really like to see something that indicates how long until it loads. It's quite annoying when you do get the occasional crash at a loading screen but there is no evidence of it until you CTRL-ALT-DELETE. At least if you noticed the percentage variable wasn't changing, you could get a good idea whether or not it has crashed.

BINGO!!!!! thankyou finally someone understands my plight and reasoning!

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Whenever I crash during load, it's usually at the end, and my load screen freezes (probably because it locked up at the instant the transition to game starts, so the load screen doesn't clear before freeze), but there's times where it loads and loads and loads, and I'm not sure of what it's doing. As long as I see motion, I know it's working, but at the same time, I would like to know where it's at in loading, so this mod would be nice to see.


I endorse this request, even though I never freeze during the actual loading, it's always at game start. Sometimes it's just nice to see the load progress to know about how long I have left to wait.

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