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Black hands texture bug ? need help.


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Hello everyone, I need some help, I have about 110 mods running, and I have no idea which one is messing my textures, the skin texture gets more black the further away I am, if I'm standing 'ontop' of the character the skin looks normal, any idea what might cause this ?
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Edited by Pheregrim
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That's a texture problem 100%. If you are using a body replacer (like CBBE & UNP) or a body texture replacer make sure you are using the most up-to-date version. I read somewhere that that problem might have to do with mipmaps, or lack thereof, but i'm not completely sure. Others might suggest that you don't have enough texture memory in your GPU but i doubt that's the problem. BTW, next time post your load order just in case it is a mod problem. Just saying you have 110 mods doesn't help us help you.




P.S. I used to get that hand texture problem a while ago with the CBBE textures but that has since been fixed, at least for me. Usually, (before it was fixed) i had to restart the game to stop it and get back the normal hand texture to display. I also noticed that taking off my characters gloves could trigger it.

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