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A way to start


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Hi Nexus community,


My name is Robin, I'm from the Netherlands and 18 years old.


Since I bought skyrim I am facinated by all those mods. Its just amazing how creative people are and especially skilled in modding those games. All those dragons, those whole cities and those amazing quests. I just love it.


Now, when seeing all those mods I thought I want that too. Since I have no experience at all I came here for your help.


What can you tell me about it? What are great ways to start? How did you learn it?


I'd love to hear from you (:



Edited by RobinRaawr
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I've been tinkering with creation kits since Fo3.

I've pretty much learned the basics back then, and when I played and tinkered with Fallout New Vegas. (Creating armors, weapons, adjusting stats etc. etc. Basic stuff)


However, real learning started just when Skyrim got released and CK was published. Since then I've been testing stuff myself, building stuff for myself and releasing some of the things I've made.


Creation kit is quite simple, but with skill you can make really nice stuff with it.

I'd suggest you start by getting CK, making simple mods (Weapons, armors), etc.

Possibly by taking a look at how ol' modders have built their mods.


Don't try to learn with haste :biggrin: It takes some time to comprehend all the things and how they work.

Pay your attention at one thing at time.

(Race, creature, leveled lists, weapons, armors, etc. etc.)


I haven't tried making any quests or scripts myself, I've been sticking to pretty much the "simple" things.


Creation kit forums is good place to pick some tutorials. And when you follow tutorials, try to comprehend WHAT you are doing. Not just "I click here and then there and then the thing just works"

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Do you want to build dungeons or houses, make followers or armor? The best way to find information are here and here. If you speak English, especially with a accent you might be in demand as a voice actor.


I wish you the best.



My Mods:


Karita the Pilgrim


Ari the Beautiful Barbarian


Eisa the Bandit


Norine the Thalmor prisoner

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