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My files are dissapearing or are they?


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im haveing trouble with a mod i made. ive remade the mod about 3 times now. because geck crashed me on me twice and then when Ifinnally thought i had it. the files were gone so I tried again and tried to save the file to the desktop. GECK get pissy and said "NooooO! I dont wanna save to the desktop!!!" and then I was like "okay well can I have my file? so I can put it on the nexus?" and GECK is like "LAWL no wai newb!!". anyway it says its in the data folder. unfortunatley its not. I tried to see what mods I could load up and my mod wasent on the list. I searched my computer and it said the Mods did infact exist but when I went to the folder they were at. they were not there. anyhelp?
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Is it a hidden file?


# Click "Start"

# Click "Control Panel"

# Switch to the classic view (if you're using Windows XP.)

# Click "Folder Options"

# Click the tab called "View"

# Check "Show hidden files or folders"


Can you see it now?

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  • 2 weeks later...
im having this same problem wats going on?? it says it saves it and i can open it up in my geck but it dosent show up on either my fomm or vanilla launcher, and when you go into data folder its not there and i did the thingy where you show hidden files its not hidden though got my hopes up
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