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What Additional Trophies do you want?


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I just figured out how to add different trophy recipes to bases! (yes I know not hard to figure out but hey, I am new to modding :P )


More to the point, I am not limited to statics, check this out:

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/244750/? (picture is very large so did not hotlink here)


So I did some looking around, and could not find a mod which adds additional trophy recipes to the game. Since I have figured this out, I decided to do this myself.


If anyone wants to suggest a trophy that is not A) a human/mer actor in the game and B) isn't too large to fit on a BYOH trophy base (either size) I am taking suggestions.


List so far:



Armored Troll

Vale Sabrecat

Vale Deer





Burnt Spriggan


Dwarven Ballista


Seeker (if it isn't too large)

Magical Spiders




Snowy Sabrecat



I am probably going to do versions for: vanilla, dlc1, dlc2, and All Content.


I am also going to try to get permission from some of the guys who did their own mod content monsters to see if I can add them (Would require having their mod), but no promises on that front.

Edited by SpectralDragon
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