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Role-play Armors - a really cool concept; feel free to take it!


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How many times have you been planning on making a new mage or assassin character and realize that you simply have no armors that fit what your character does?

That's why I invented this concept and any experienced mod can take it; I give my permission to do it.


This mod aims to add several armor sets that are not only consistent with lore but also with the Smiting perk tree. How? Pretty simple, just make different variations of each armor set. There are some armor sets in vanilla game that have a different look. Look at steel nordic/imperial gauntlets and steel .../horned helmet:




I have no clue or whatsoever about modding; that's why I am writing this down. I already had come up with some names, if you like you can use them:



What do you think about his idea?

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@Twarrior, Yes, pretty much. The point is to combine the material with a robe in that case. Look at some examples from Immersive Armors:

Dragonbone Robes - http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/6445/lgtcdf.png
Dwarven Robes - http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/5004/lgt10f2.png

@billyro - The point is to enchance role-play, not to get a different combination of armors. Of course, it would require a lot of work because all the pieces would have to be designed first (there would be 54 different armor sets). There's so much armor sets that look great outthere, but most of them don't have a tight integration to the game. Therefore I think that this is viable. If I had a clue about designing and modding I could get this to work at summer :(

Edited by DanielMM6
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