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Mods "Installed" but not in-game.


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Hi, this is my first time to the fourm, so ill be quick and simple.


I've recently installed the Aesir Armor mod, I installed and activated the mod on NMM. However, when I go inside skyrim(SKSE Launcher) I was not greeted by the marker the mod description said about. So, I followed a walk-through on where it is. Still no structures, nothing. I went inside SkyrimPrefs in the skyrim directory and in the "My Games" Directory. I also tried adjusting the load order, and even tried installing via manual install and redownloaded it for NMM again. I still cant seem to get it working. Can anyone help me?

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might seem a stupid question, did you check it on a new start? I don't know much but have had mods resistant to popping into a game in progress, had to wait for some time in game for the area or whatever to refresh so if it shows in a new game this might be the case. a good rule of thumb, always start a new save to check if it shows up to be sure if it's not working or just being problematic. hope it helps

Edited by Cyracus
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