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CTD after Bethesda logo


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So I can't figure out for the life of me why Skyrim keeps crashing right after the Bethesda logo at start up, never reaches the main menu. It was working fine earlier this afternoon, the only thing I've downloaded since then was Nicoroshi Creations. I can't imagine for the life of me why a weapon pack like that would suddenly cause a CTD like that, BOSS isn't telling me anything's really wrong. I know it's pretty vague, but does anyone know what could be happening? Much appreciation for any help!

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Most likely a mod dependency issue. Download TES5Edit. After you run BOSS, load all your plugins in TES5Edit. If TES5Edit stops loading and bounces an error message, the plugin that caused the error is the one that is missing a master.

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All right, managed to get it to work. All of the weapons in that mod are in one .esp file so I have no idea why it was trying to load an .esp for a single weapon that didn't exist (the .esp), so I downloaded that weapon separately and it's working now. Thanks for all the help! :)

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