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Better animated combat system...


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The fighting in skyrim is pretty boring, I can't lie. The only two bad parts about skyrim is 1. So much bugs 2. Combat. There should be combos instead of someone just standing in one place a slashing their sword. The combat system should be like Fable or Witcher 2. It would be awesome if it was like Witcher 2, but it's already close to Fable. At least in fable you move around when fighting. I'm sorry if this thread has already came up before.
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  • 4 weeks later...

A follow-up on this so I don't start a new thread.. is there ANY mod out there that at least mixes vanilla attack animations properly so they are not random anymore? As in, can we actually get something like quicker power attack animations that correspond to key presses but are normal, less damaging attacks (faster too)? OR -at least- give us the bare-bones versatility of the otherwise random left or right standard attack actually BEING a left or right attack? No combat mod will be even half decent until this is done.. or maybe someone has already done it and I just don't know?

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I dont think what you truly want can be done with the engine they have at hand. It can simulate combat, not really create it if you know what I mean. Its like the clothes, you can simulate the clothes as a layer on top of the skin texture, but its not really a physical thing with physics that lays on top of the skin. So you are never really going to get what you want, its just going to be a choreographed dance opposed to an organic interaction of two bodies.

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