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help with merged patch


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I'm an amateur at modding and can never seem to get a merged patch that i can feel sure is proper, now i have SkyRE installed with the reproccer and my understanding is it basically makes a merged patch of all boss recognized plugins. What i want to know is when gathering my plugins together to make a merged patch would i include the reproccer with everything below it , just do everything below it, or (it sounds crazy to me) pull everything into a merged patch? Also what is the current best program to use? I have tesvsnip and tesvedit (no wryebash as it scares me, only bad experiences with it) thanks for any help you can provide

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The ReProccer does not merge all plugins in your load order. It's a dynamically generated compatibility patch that will selectively merge some records from mods in your load order that are affected by SkyRe and also adjust values according to your SkyRe XML settings, so things like mod added weapons damage will conform to SkyRe standards.


A 'merged patch' as generated by TES5Edit, also does not merge all plugins in your load order but is yet another dynamically generated compatibility patch specific to your load order which will merge only certain types of conflicting records. It's not necessary for a SkyRe set up (or any setup) and should not be used by new mod users. The 'merged patch' function for TES5Edit serves a number of useful purposes but in all cases the merged patch needs to be manually edited by the user after generation, because the 'merged patch' function of TES5Edit will do 'raw merges' for some record types and sometimes merge conflicting records that are intended as 'replacers' (e.g. NPC inventory). I am not saying it's going to destroy your game, but basically, unless you can read plugin records in TES5Edit and know specifically why you need to use a merged patch, you should not really use one.


For most users, the better alternative to the merged patch is the Bashed Patch, yet another dynamically generated compatibility patch using Wrye Bash. Through the use of 'bash tags', Wrye Bash can perform more 'intelligent' merges, primarily for conflicting leveled lists, through the use of tags (relev, delev, etc.).

Edited by ripple
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You should use a mod manager to install all of your mods (so either NMM or the Mod Organizer will do fine), except for utilities like SKSE, BOSS, Wrye Bash, etc. which should be installed manually. If you are not using MO, then you can just launch the game via the SKSE executable or make a shortcut for it.

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yeah, I've been using NMM since i started modding except for FO3/NV as i heard FOMM is better, and know about utilities, have a few and seem to keep getting more. Just that i have only heard mention of wryebash and haven't touched the tes modding programs because i don't wanna damage anything. well i'll give a bashed patch a shot and see if i have any problems still lurking, thanks for all the advice :)

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No problem. For the longest time, we didn't have a working 'Wrye Bash' conversion for FO3 and FNV, so the merged patch was the ideal 'substitute' since FO3Edit and FNVEdit were available much earlier in those games' life cycles (those merged patches still needed to be edited manually though, even if most users were not aware of that and didn't do it). You should probably stick with Wrye Bash for Skyrim ATM to handle conflicting leveled lists. If somewhere down the road, you feel like making your own custom compatibility patches for specific mods for other types of records, you can revisit the 'merged patch' function then.

Edited by ripple
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