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hey guys I wanting a new compaion called assa but with a working companion wheel and a cool story and maybe a small quest with dialogue (Ive made a basic companion atm but i suck with scripts) so I was wondering if anyone can make me one or even add the stuff Id like to my basic compaion I made (If you want my basic companion i can send the esp via email just send me a inbox with your email) Thanks anyway

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haha forget my template it failed epically so i will just describe my charatcer i want for a companion.

Name- Assa,

Age 19, Race cuscan (sorry I suck at spelling lol)

Hair has to be a darkish green and her eyes blue (like from willow companion)

her background is she was a elite sniper from the NCR but after her family was murdered and the NCR did nothing she left to travel to new vegas where she meets our character ( and basically the rest is she becomes a valued member of the player characters team and even falls in love with your character... so If nyone can do this I would very much appreciate it.. Thanks

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