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Clean Romantic Animations - Where My Hugs At?


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Having just discovered Hoamaii's two mods, A Skyrim Waltz and A Skyrim Kiss, I went on a hunt for more like them...and I didn't find any. Both of Hoamaii's mods are sweet, romantic, and work flawlessly. Flower Girls is all well and good, but sometimes you just want to hug someone. Sometimes, you want animations you can use at will without having to integrate a bunch of relationship metrics onto an NPC that already has an AI you don't want to mess with.

Friendly and romantic embraces come to mind, first. A variety of hugs, people! After the last year of separation from other humans, the world needs some more hugging, am I right? Shoulder pats or putting an arm around someone and squeezing their shoulder/rubbing their back with affection would be amazing. Resting a head on another character's shoulder or hand holding...little romantic things that aren't about adult content. More ballroom dances! More beautiful kisses. Any of that would be so marvelous.

Any of you brilliant animation modders out there who are willing to give us some work like this...oh, I would just love to see it.

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AFT is not a mod you can use with followers like Inigo, Kaidan, or Lucien, Anna's, etc. It will break their brains because they already have their own AI.

Standalone animation mods like Haomaii's work beautifully without breaking anything or changing the NPC you use them on.

There IS a basic ingame hug animation, but it lasts less than two seconds, is awkward, and breaks immersion rather than enhancing it, IMO. That's just my opinion, and as I have no real understanding of what goes into a mod like "A Skyrim Kiss" except that I know it must have taken a LOT of work...it's only a suggestion and request for more mods like this. They make me happy. /grin

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The "skyrim kiss" that I know is what I think is the "Flower Girls Kiss" one earns when they reach a certain intermediary relationship level with an FG capable NPC, and it is afaik, a "Lieto" standing kiss animation...A romeo and Juliet sorta kiss... ~innocent, presented as affectionate rather than horny. this kissing animation sequence is performed standing and clothed, and it lasts between ~10-20 seconds (not sure what sets the duration but it is variable), and it is basically a one stage animation, kiss. Once triggered by clicking on "kiss <target>, it does a fade, does the kiss (third person, menu lockout + tfm mode, pan and mouse zoom controls still active) and at the end another fade, followed by many of the participating NPCs (?all?) producing some quip vaguely about the kiss, which completes the sequence. ("Oohhhh, that was nice!" (young fem), etc various responses for various voices and gender)


There's another FlowerGirls (I think it's FG, see below about Romance for NPCs) kiss within the "sexual favors" part of its dialog if you've achieved lover status with the NPC, but that's a bit different. IN mine they gd well strip for some stupid reason and make all the moany sounds like they're doing the dirty ... rolls eyes...).


I'm not sure if the (normal) kissing part is available to general NPCs or only named NPCs (follower, merchant, etc) or only select NPCs. I know for a few mod followers and maybe three or four named NPCs. Romance for NPCs *might also play some part in all this, idk. Been a very long time since I installed either and I don't use Romance for NPCs at all any more (one play vector was enough, but it IS still installed)



PS> pretty sure it's not an AFT thing, since I have "normal" kissing privileges with non AFT characters

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Yes, that one is definitely in Flower Girls, and I know which one you mean. It's nice...but this one is way, way better, and it's a standalone animation mod, so you can use it whenever you like without any dialogue options or messing with the NPC in question.


Like the one you mentioned, it's a sweet, romantic sort of kissing rather than a "we're about to get busy" sort of animation, and I just love it. I wish I had even the beginning of knowledge about how to make these because I'd have to make a bunch that work just like the linked one does. That mod author also made a waltz animation mod that works the same way, and it's brilliant.

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This one works nicely - Free Hug Mod SE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)

It doesn't always show up as an option, not sure if that's a glitch or conditions not being met.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about 'I'm Glad You Are Here' mod (I'm Glad You're Here - a follower and spouse appreciation mod - SSE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com))? I am using it in a similar fashion. It is a hugging mod. Homaii's 'A Skyrim Kiss' is quite good but I am avoiding using FNIS if I can, so that one is out for me. The reboot of Rigmor of Bruma includes a kiss animation but I have not seen it in action yet.

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