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SKSE/SkyUI problem?


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Hi! I recently took a break from Skyrim, and when I came back to it, SKSE needed an update. No surprise there. It only works halfway with mods now though... And not at all with SkyUI. I see messages from Frostfall about getting started, but the survival guides do not generate. I see numbers for the sliders from Extended Character Editor, but not the extra sliders. I see the UI changes in character creation when using Racemenu, but the manual color changing does not work...? And so on, so forth.


Here's the error messages I get:


I also get the Error Code 1 SkyUI window at start.


Things I have done/made sure to do:

I have redownloaded more than once.

I have tried using NMM to install it correctly.

I know I have the matching versions of SKSE and Skyrim.

I have extracted the files, not dragged and dropped.

I have deleted the old SKSE .dll.

I have placed the .pex files in the correct folder.


I deleted my TESV.exe, and renamed my Skyrim launcher TESV. This was stupid, and obviously didn't work, but after I did that and fixed the files back to normal, I got a different message on start up: Error Code 3 from SkyUI. It loaded the mod configuration menu, but wouldn't actually make any of the changes.


So... Now I'm back to the first set of errors. I'm really not sure what to do, but I'd really like SKSE to work. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

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I had an intersting fix beforehand. Soemtimes if I started SKSE with steam not launched yet, Steam would launch into admin mode, making me able to play. So I've had the problem on and off, and i finally put two and two together last night.


If SKSE failed to load, the game's most recent save was a really old one.

If SKSE Loaded, the save was the correct one.


Turns out my real most recent saves were under users/admin

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