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RaceCompatibility.esm mod needed?


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I have reinstalled OS and skyrim and did not save my files. My bad, will not happen again. :(

need my mods installed again. I found out that I need RaceCompatibility.esm.. Can someone tell me what mod that is from. ??



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RaceCompatibility is mainly a plugin that adds compatibility for custom races. There are some custom race mods that require RaceCompatibility in order to work properly, others don't.

You should be able to check on that 1) on the mod's page under the requirements section or 2) in Nexus Mod Manager, if you use it.

As you already seem to know that you need RaceCompatibility, you can simply download it from its page on Skyrim Nexus: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10165

I hope this helps you!

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