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Trouble with Pluggy

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I've been growing a strong urge to replay Oblivion recently. Love Skyrim and all, but I miss Cyrodil. Just got a fresh install, made sure the game worked. Installed OBSE and the game launched as it was supposed to. I installed a couple of mods plus Elys Uncapper, still worked perfectly. Then I installed Pluggy.


It's a very odd problem. The game won't launch. The launcher comes up, I hit play game, and it seems to be loading something and then......nothing. I try to relaunch, only for STeam to tell me that it's already running. I open the task manager and find that Oblivion is indeed in the Processes. I end it, and I try again, with the same results. Removing the pluggy .dll and .dlx fixes the problem, though. It's...really odd. And yes, I'm putting them in the right place, and the OTHER plugin (uncapper) seems to work just fine. At the very least, I can launch the game with it. I've reinstalled Oblivion (I keep a backup just for this sort of situation) and have absolutely nothing added to the basic game now but OBSE and Pluggy. And as long as Pluggy is installed, the game will not launch.


Any suggestions? While admittedly I don't absolutely have to have PLuggy installed to have a good time, I was hoping to try out that journal mod I never got a chance to play with before, and it requires Pluggy. I'm probably missing something obvious. I appreciate any assistance.


I'm using OBSE v. 20 and Pluggy v. 1.32. I've also tried pretty much all of the pluggy versions in between 1.25b and 1.32. Same results.

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Quick little update. I'm playing a fully modded Oblivion with about, say, 30 or 40 mods all installed and running together. I've played for probably a couple of hours so far and it's extremely smooth. No crashes, the loading screens are nice and short, and not so much as a stutter while wandering the world. It's beautiful.


Unfortunately, Pluggy is still not working. I still have the same problem I did before. As long as the pluggy .dll and .dlx files are not in the OBSE/Plugins folder, the game will launch exactly as it's supposed to. Once they're there, the game simply won't start.


I'm really wanting to use the Journal Mod by Kyoma, but until I can figure out how to run Pluggy, I don't think it's going to happen. That said, doing a little research has revealed that maybe that mod is more trouble than it's worth....


Anyway, if anyone has a thought, let me know. I keep feeling like I'm missing something incredibly obvious, but I can't figure out what it is. If all else fails, I suppose it won't be a huge deal to let this one go.


Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Thank you kindly for the suggestions!


I tried renaming the .dll as you suggested, but it gave me the same problem. I actually saw that suggestion earlier, but it seemed to fix a problem that people were having once they got in game, whereas I can't get in game at all with pluggy enabled. Oh well, it was worth a shot. And yeah, I probably should have said I have the Steam version. Whoops!


(Side note: Once I started installing a bunch of mods, I had to put the steam loader AND the OBSE_Loader in the Oblivion folder simply because certain mods can't detect your current OBSE version without doing that, which is interesting, mostly because that's not what the readme says to do. Thankfully, that was a simple fix, even though I had to look it up once I had the problem. And Pluggy was giving me this trouble before and after I did that, so I don't think it's related to that.)


And thank you for the suggestion as well, Striker879. Since Pluggy is being stubborn, I may just try using Note to Self instead.


Thank you both!

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