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Fast Travel


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@ StayFrosty--I play exactly as you do, and for the same reasons!



Seriously, I would love a mod where you could take the scroll and stuff Serana back into that vault...


LOL.... ;D ....I LOVE your spoiler.... :biggrin: ....Would be the perfect solution.... :biggrin:

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I also remember for the world map, i pretty much had almost every location via map marker removed except cities and a few areas that were landmarks etc, think morrowind style map markers, i made the mod myself long time ago. when i return to skyrim i may do the same thing in my spare time again.

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I think the problem with Skyrim's fast-travelling is that it isn't integrated in a lore-friendly way; there are some games where it is integrated pretty well. As people have mentioned, I'd love to see a mod that restricts fast-travelling with certain conditions.

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I agree that in some cases fast travel can integrate very well into the game - but in vanilla Skyrim, it doesn't. A mod that restricts fast travel would be a good idea - but to be honest if one was produced I probably still wouldn't use it :P I force myself up those thousand steps every damn time (you get all sorts of goodies - ice wraiths, frost trolls...), and if I only have 15 mins to game and it's spent running to a cave, then so be it.


I really like the constellation-navigating idea. I PMed the modauthor of Enhanced Nights but have had no response as yet. I wouldn't be sure where to start with a sky texture, but I've drawn stars before for my art so if need be I'll do it myself. As with real life constellations, you'll be best able to see them out in the wilds with no city torches polluting your light :P and some stars in a constellation would be brighter than others, with some almost invisible. If I made the mod I'd write a book for stargazers :) telling you where to look to find what constellation, and such.


What I'd like is to have the sky texture rotate slowly as time goes on - it wouldn't perfectly mimic how different constellations are visible at different times of year, but it would mimic it. God knows how I'd do that though - I'm an artist, not a modder. Though I certainly hope to remedy that latter situation soon.

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After reading all the posts I think the following would be a popular mod:




1 - Fast Travel disabled


2 - Carriages with expanded services to small towns. Cost about 600 gold per trip (modified by distance). Memebership can be purchased from any carriage driver for 5000 gold, which cuts carriage travel cost to about 150 gold per trip (modified by distance)


3 - New Shout learned with the first set of shouts. Only the first word is given free: (cooldown time about 1 hour)

1st Sanctuary: teleport to dragon temple.

2nd Return: teleport to last location passed.

3rd Portal: from any standing stones, teleports to a different standing stone and gain a bonus effect that lasts two hours. Each stone would have 2 hours each each day in which it is the destination from any other stones using this shout.


4 - Horse grades:

slow horse 1000 gold (75% speed, cowardly, half hit points, 80% damage)

fast horse 5000 gold (125% speed, medium courage, normal hitpoints, 100% damage)

war horse 5000 gold (100% speed, aggressive, double hitpoints, 120% damage)


5 - Night Stars

Either a north star or constellations to navigate by under clear night skies. (would need to be compatible with any other weather/sky mods)

Edited by zimxero
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zimxero...I can't speak for anyone else, but I am unsure myself as why you feel such Mods would be popular?


1/ It doesn't matter if Fast travel is enabled or disabled....if people don't wish to Fast Travel, they won't, it doesn't matter if the option is available or not, makes no difference.


2/ Who knows, this may be of interest to people.....I prefer to walk/jog myself.


3/ This is Fast Traveling...as for the Portal, all you have done is add bonuses to reward Fast Travel.


4/ I can't comment on that as my Dovahkin doesn't ride Horses.


5/ I would LOVE to see a night sky I can navigate by in Skyrim myself....that would be fantastic.

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I have to agree with 5...I did kind of think it up, after all :P I was playing Skyrim yesterday, and although I could navigate fairly well in daylight using the sun, I couldn't do the same at night. It made me keenly feel the need for this mod. So I think I will see what I can do - I'm not sure how the night sky textures work, but then, until a week ago I didn't know how textures work at all. I'll give it a go, at least :) it would be a really lovely addition to the game.

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