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Mara Wayshrine


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Apparrently an Oblivion Gate spawned right on top of the Mara Shrine and destroyed the Shrine. I went in and destryoed the Gate; hoping to see the Shrine restored but...nope. I'll need a possible walk-around on this one. Would rather not go back to a Previous Save (but will if I have to). This was the Sixth Shrine I had covered. And with the possibility this might happen again (or somewhere else) if I do go back to a Save. Plus, this is the Crusader Relics Quest, right? TY

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There are two other Wayshrines to Mara that you can use (you don't need to use the ones on the Prophet's map). The easiest one to get to is west of Skingrad (map) and the other is east of Nocturnal's Shrine (NE of Leyawiin) in the swamp (map).

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