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Items Needed For Quests


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I am wondering if there is a list available of the items you need to collect for quests. (ie, Nirnroots). I am leaving these quests until the end, in order to collect as many as possible. It all began with my friend telling me I needed to collect Nirnroots, then finding the Shivering Isles quest "Work Is Never Done" which requires at least 50 calipers and 50 tongs. So I began checking various articles to find a list of all items I need to collect, so as I can do them all while roaming around, however I cannot find a definitive list. So I need your help :)


Here is what I have so far:


- Nirnroot (100 needed/306 wanted for "Seeking Your Roots")

- Calipers & Tongs (100 needed/UNL wanted for "Work Is Never Done")

- Shadowbanish Wine (6 need/UNL wanted for "A Venerable Vintage")

- Glow Dust (1 needed for Azura's Daedric Shrine)

- Nightshade (1 needed for Mephala's Daedric Shrine)

- Lesser Soul Gem & Lettuce & Yarn (1 of each needed for Sheogorath's Daedric Shrine)




(UNL = unlimited/as many as you can carry)



Any contribution to this list would be greatly appreciated :) and I hope that all made sense!

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Stuff for Sheogoraths Quest can be found easily in places for alchemy and or the mystic emporium, Tong and Calipers are found all over the place, mostly in random barrels and crates, try the Imperial city, Glow dust can be bought at Alchemy places as well as Nightshade, though rare. Glow Dust is dropped by Will o Wisps and such, Nightshade is in Oblivion I think, in any event it is a plant. Hope all that helps!
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