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Final Fantasy VII remake


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I'm sure u know PetitionOnline


I wanted to start a Petition for a remake of FinalFantasy VII

IMHO the best game I've ever played.

So i searched for it and ta-dah: there was already one

but only 138 signed the petition.


Well my idea is now, to all you who wnat that, but to all you who

don't gie a damn about it...


Please Set this link in every forum you're active and tell all your friends

about that...


Maybe it won't work... maybe they won't even see it

but at least we could give hope!


I'd really like a remake...don't you?


GO SIGN!! ^_^


thanx for listening

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Dude, you're both wrong. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is a sequel to Final fantasy VII. It takes place two years after the game. It's a movie, not a game. And it's slated for both a Japan and a U.S. Release later this year.
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Just kidding, slaiv was right.


Anyway, I think your petition is a pretty dumb idea.


Anyone actually think that devs look at the results of petitions from a FREE petition site? Program your own, get people to sign it, then send it to Square Enix.


That was they'll know you've put effort into this and take it seriously.



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I wouldn't really worry. When the PSP comes out, you know what that means... Portable FF7!!! Yahoo.

Hopefully they'll get rid of those horrifically low-res textures.


Theres a difference between "graphics don't matter" and "graphics r teh sux".



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Hopefully they'll get rid of those horrifically low-res textures.


Theres a difference between "graphics don't matter" and "graphics r teh sux".


I don't think they are redoing games for PSP... I think you use the same cd from PSX... but I could be wrong.


The graphics aren't that bad for a game that is over 7 years old. Yes, they probably could have been better, but the reason why this game is so good is the story and game play... It's just a well done game.

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